Sixty Seconds With…You (The Personal Elevator Pitch)

shadow portrait
Photo of my own shadow on a hallway wall.

I‘ve described elevator pitches before — they’re summaries of an idea, a concept or a proposal, in layperson’s terms, that can be made in sixty to ninety seconds, the time it takes an elevator to travel from the bottom to the top floor with a few stops in between. They can turn a chance meeting (with an audience that is hostage) into an opportunity to convey important information and persuade your audience to act on it.

I was watching one of these TV program ‘fillers’ called “sixty seconds with…” where celebrities are asked a few rapid-fire questions to try to get them to tell something about themselves in less than a minute.

It occurred to me that you could combine these two concepts to create a ‘Personal Elevator Pitch’, a one-minute summary that conveys the most important information about you. I’m intrigued at the idea that this might be a useful ice-breaker, a statement of your identity that could quickly provide some context to strangers for everything you say and do with them thereafter, a shorthand introduction that could help you and others find like minds quickly and painlessly, or at least find common ground and a basis for conversation and consensus.

As usual, I’m my own guinea pig, so here are my suggested questions as a framework for the Pitch, and my personal answers. Let me know what you think.

In no more than 150 words total:

1. Describe yourself (not what you do, who you are). I am…

Slowly becoming real, natural, healthy, part of all-life-on-Earth.

2. Which of your Gifts (the things you do uniquely well) is potentially the most valuable? My unique gift is…

Imagining possibilities.

3. Which of your Passions (the things you love doing) is potentially the most useful? My practical passion is…

Helping people find partners for, and build, Natural Communities and Natural Enterprises.

4. What is your Purpose (what you believe you were meant to do)? My purpose is…

Enabling people to let themselves change to become who they really are.

5. What makes you angry? I am angered by…

Cruelty, dishonesty, manipulation, unfairness, close-mindedness, negativity, greed, arrogance.

6. Describe your ideal community (where, and with what kind of people, you’d ideally like to live). My ideal community is…

A diverse group of curious, imaginative, observant, open, generous, healthy, fit, responsible people living sustainably and lightly in harmony with nature, in nature.

7. Explain the most important book or article you’ve ever written. My most important message is…

There is a better way to make a living, responsibly, sustainably, joyfully.

8. What’s your advice to future generations? My advice to the young is…

Know yourself, love yourself, be yourself, and take care of each other.

9. What would you like your legacy to be, what you’ll leave behind when you’re gone? When I die I wish to leave behind…

Some models and ideas future generations might find useful, when civilization’s gone.

String the nine italicized sentences together and you get a kind of personal mantra, an unfinished story. Far too intimate too fast for strangers,though, on an elevator or even at a cocktail party. Pity.

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2 Responses to Sixty Seconds With…You (The Personal Elevator Pitch)

  1. Anne says:

    Thank you. I was planning to rush off to my meeting on this floor, but your words have stopped me. I’m impressed by your honesty. and gladdened by your goals. Too often these days, folks assume they know what’s important to each other. You’ve spelled out your beliefs and I am honored to hear them.And I will ponder how I can live more responsibly, sustainably, and joyfully.

  2. melisa Christensen says:

    1. Describe yourself (not what you do, who you are). I am…Cautious, smart, persistence, adventurous, optimistic, looking for a way in and a way out of so many things.2. Which of your Gifts (the things you do uniquely well) is potentially the most valuable? My creative spirit and the ideas and works that develop from such.3. Which of your Passions (the things you love doing) is potentially the most useful? My passion that is most useful is to show the people of my town a new perspective and remind them what was once important. 4. What is your Purpose (what you believe you were meant to do)? My purpose is to be an artist, to reveal what

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