The Birds and the Bees

Sitting out on the back deck drinking tea and writing, and occasionally snapping photos of some of the birds and other flying creatures that stop by:

raven sm

Jacques, one of the Common Ravens that are very common on my rooftop

Band-Tailed Pigeon

Qoot, a Band-Tailed Pigeon


Bumble Bee checking out my deckside tent (my outdoor summer sleeping accommodations)

Zoomer, a Violet-Green Swallow nesting in my powder-room vent

Zoomer, a Violet-Green Swallow currently nesting in my powder-room vent

Gobble, one of many Turkey Vultures that prowl the area

Gobble, one of many Turkey Vultures that prowl the area

New visitor, a Great Blue Heron

New visitor, a Great Blue Heron

Other regular visitors are black-capped chickadees (my totem bird), double-crested cormorants, (murderous numbers of) crows, mourning doves, bald eagles, ‘happy-bird’ house finches, northern flickers (rattling on my eaves at 6am to attract mates), black-headed grosbeaks, a variety of gulls and hawks, geese and woodpeckers, sparrows and wrens, anna’s and rufous hummingbirds buzzing around like bees, steller’s jays, dark-eyed juncos, mallards on the ponds, barred owls (attacking my ponytail when I run in the park nearby), robins, swainson’s thrushes and cedar waxwings.





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2 Responses to The Birds and the Bees

  1. Karen says:

    What, no ospreys? For a moment I thought I was back up on the Klamath…beautiful pics.

  2. JGL says:

    For some reason that Heron picture has a special appeal to me… inspiring pictures.

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