Monthly Archives: September 2015

Links of the Quarter: September 29, 2015

one of many disturbing warming scenarios from the latest study by Jim Hansen’s team shows that global warming is far from uniform; total glacial melt in Greenland (or Antarctica) would set the stage for constant storms of unprecedented size and total disruption … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch | 2 Comments

Against Hope: A Primer on Complexity and Collapse

Saturday evening I participated in a PechaKucha-style evening of presentations sponsored by the Bowen Island Arts Council as part of the Canada-wide Culture Days events. For those not familiar with PechaKucha, it requires you to make your presentation precisely 20 slides … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works | 3 Comments

Stuck At The Doorway

photo by the author For almost a year now, I have been preoccupied (perhaps even obsessed) with the search to realize who ‘I’ really am, beneath the illusion of self, beneath the stories of life history, beyond ego, time and … Continue reading

Posted in Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves | 5 Comments

Mud and Salt

the stunning meditation hut at Mud Girl Molly’s place on Salt Spring This past weekend the Coordinating Team of Bowen in Transition made a trip to nearby Salt Spring Island to meet up with our counterparts at Transition Salt Spring, … Continue reading

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