Monthly Archives: September 2024

Links of the Month: September 2024

the explosion of “vaccine hesitancy” since the start of the pandemic, per poll tabulations by YLE I’ve added a fifth ‘regular’ section to the “Politics & Economics As Usual” category of my monthly links. I’ve called it “Industrial Disease and … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | 2 Comments

How We’re Supposed to Live Now

what Jim Kunstler calls “The Long Emergency” — a gradual multi-stage collapse over an extended period Nate Bear writes: I live in a dry, water-stressed patch of the planet. Not far from us villages have been under water rationing measures … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, Our Culture / Ourselves | 4 Comments


photo from Jonathan Cook’s latest article on the genocide in Palestine, source uncited As long as I’ve been chronicling the collapse of our global industrial civilization and its systems, I’ve described myself not as an activist — someone determined to … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works | 3 Comments

Thank You, John Whiting (1931-2024)

John’s study, in London John Whiting’s wife, Mary, let me know today that John, who was 93 and not in the best of health, recently passed away. Many of you will recognize the name from my many, many “Thanks to … Continue reading

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The Marshmallow Myth

photo by Alex SooJung-Kim Pang on Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Cory Doctorow recently wrote an article debunking the myth surrounding the so-called “marshmallow test”. In the test, young children are told that they can either eat a marshmallow placed in … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves | 4 Comments

A Canadian’s Guide to Voting in the 2024 US Elections

This article is a satire. Though in points 6-8 I get a bit more serious. Munch’s famous painting; CC0 / public domain I am not a US citizen, and never have been, nor would I ever qualify to be one. … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Works | 2 Comments

Signs of Collapse: Broken Things

drawing by Chaz Hutton; thanks to Wendy Bandurski for the link One of the costs of “efficiency” — making stuff faster and cheaper (and hence more profitably) — is that it requires a complex supporting infrastructure — international supply chains, … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch | 5 Comments

Signs of Collapse: Organized Crime Takes Over Politics and Business

Now that the collapse of our political, economic, social and ecological systems is accelerating, the signs of this collapse, including scapegoating, corruption, and social disorder are becoming more obvious. This is the second of a series of articles on some … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch | 4 Comments

Signs of Collapse: Blaming It On Immigration

Now that the collapse of our political, economic, social and ecological systems is accelerating, the signs of this collapse, including scapegoating, corruption, and social disorder are becoming more obvious. This is the first of a series of articles on some … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch | 11 Comments