A few interesting articles on innovation, knowledge and the future of business – worth a read:
- Life in 2010 – Home and Work, by Patrick Dixon: A futurist who sees that new technologies are going to be smaller, more portable, more specialized, easier-to-use and more personal. Some excellent thinking here.
- Weblogs and Journalism (jump to pg 59 of this pdf), features 18 articles by bloggers and journalists, that I’ve mentioned before, but are worth a second read because of their broader implications for the use of weblogs and other personal content management and personal publishing apps in business.
- WL Gore & Associates, per this case study by Cyndy Payne of the Foundation for Enterprise Development, is not only one of the world’s most innovative companies (they invented waterproof, breathable, Gore-Tex fabric and a whole bunch of high-tech materials you’ve probably never heard of), but also are a prime example of a true partnership of equals (what they call a Non-Hierarchical Corporation and what I’ve called a New Collaborative Enterprise).