I‘m off on my first vacation in four years. I will try to blog and keep up with e-mails while I’m away, but don’t know what the technology will offer, so I make no promises until I return on the 27th. In the meantime, reader Pam Sykes just sent me a wonderful article by Tom Atlee at the Co-Intelligence Institute called Crisis Fatigue and the Creation of Positive Possibilities. Very inspiring. Love and Peace, /-/ Dave

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7 Responses to HIATUS AHEAD

  1. Ahmed says:

    Four years without a holiday and you’re taking two weeks off? You need to move to Europe.Have a nice time away :-)

  2. shari says:

    Taking time off is a required part of life. Have fun and come back recharged!

  3. gbreez says:

    Enjoy! XXXOOOXXX

  4. Rob Paterson says:

    Have a wonderful time DaveRob

  5. David Jones says:

    Four years work should equal four months leave.

  6. Dave Pollard says:

    Thanks, everyone. It turned out to be a short but wonderful vacation.

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