Links for the Week – April 29/06

From business cardtoonist Hugh Macleod.

What is ‘Leadership’?:

Leadership = Facilitation: Some businesses are finally catching on that the purpose of ‘leaders’ is to be role models and facilitators that make others more effective, not to make decisions and tell people what to do. The world is too complex for any individual or clique to have more than a random chance of improving things when they ‘boss people around’. Today, as Drucker said, everyone’s job is unique, and no one is likely to know how to do your job better than you. Steve Davis and Johnnie Moore get it. So does fouro, who sent me this link. Imagine if political ‘leaders’ figured this out..

Leadership = Authenticity: In a similar vein Alas a Blog suggests that if Al Gore had been more authentic about his feelings and beliefs, instead of relying on media advisors and coming off stiff, he would have won the 2000 election by an even wider margin, and saved us all from grief. 

Techie Stuff:

First One In Gets to Be Expert?: Several people have pointed me to Squidoo, which allows people to set up ‘lens pages’ on subjects about which they presume to have some expertise, or at least interesting stories. But tell me, if you want to learn about something, would you look to the individual who has tried to corner attention on this subject in Squidoo space, or would you look to the top Google result, which tells you who a billion people think merits your attention on this subject?

Technorati Charts: There used to be a service (can’t recall its name) that plotted how often particular subjects are mentioned in the blogosphere over time. Technorati is now offering such a service. Try it with your name or blog name. Here’s what it looks like:


Corporatism and the Environment

Ten Worst Corporations of 2005: A new book On the Rampage: Corporate Predators and the Destruction of Democracy by Russell Mokhiber, editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter and Robert Weissman, editor of the Multinational Monitor lists mostly the usual suspects for 2005. Common Dreams has the details.

Windfall Profits Tax on Oil: Weissman also has a good article on why now is the time for a windfall profits tax on oil, in Canada and the US especially. The tax proceeds should, however, go entirely to subsidizing renewable energy research and production until renewable technologies are price-competitive with non-renewable technologies. They should not go back to consumers, since this would effectively discourage conservation and aggravate the Peak Oil problem.

How NAFTA Exacerbated Mexico-to-US Emigration Pressure: Also in Common Dreams, an interesting perspective on how NAFTA, combined with massive US agricultural subsidies, is destroying the Mexican economy and society, adding to the flood of illegal immigrants. Just wait until the final corn duty disappears next year!

The Disappearance of US Jobs: Although I linked to this earlier in the week, Paul Craig Roberts in Counterpunch does a great job summarizing the massive US job losses under the Bush Regime. Thanks to Umair Haque for the link.

Real Movie About Global Warming: In reviewing Al Gore’s new movie on Global Warming, An Inconvenient Truth, David Remnick in the New Yorker eviscerates Bush’s reckless oil policies. Thanks to Jon Husband for the link to the trailer.

You Think the End of Oil is Bad, Just Wait for the End of Water: In an interview with Fred Pearce, author of the new book When the Rivers Run Dry, Salon’s Katherine Mieszkowski reveals how much water we waste, and how much water scarcity is driving and will drive future political conflict. It’s subscription content. Non-subscribers can find an equally illuminating interview by Paul Comstock in the Cal Lit Review free of charge.

Just for Fun:

Walking Takes No Time at All: An interesting article by Alan Durning explains that for every x minutes you spend walking, you add 3x minutes to your life expectancy, so in effect walking takes no time at all. Thanks to Ran Prieur for the link.

LA’s Concrete River: From Geoff Manaugh, a fascinating historical and pictorial review of how engineering has dammed, rerouted and stopped up rivers, with specific focus on the LA River, reduced to a monstrous and massive concrete sculpture. Thanks to Jeremy Heigh for the link.

Horsing Around: Kathy at Creating Passionate Users has some adorable photos and video of a newborn foal.

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4 Responses to Links for the Week – April 29/06

  1. Big Gav says:

    The other blog tracking service is called “Blogpulse”

  2. scruff says:

    There I was asking for a sign to let me know if I should quit my job or not, and what else do I find but that beautiful squiggle up at the top of this post. Thanks, Dave. I’m gonna go party with Jesus.

  3. Joe Deely says:

    “You Think the End of Oil is Bad, Just Wait for the End of Water: In an interview with Fred Pearce, author of the new book When the Rivers Run Dry, Salon’s Katherine Mieszkowski reveals how much water we waste, and how much water scarcity is driving and will drive future political conflict.”The key word in the above statement is “waste”. It is not that difficult to reduce water usage if some simple policies are implemented. In California, water usage has essentially remained flat since 1980… even with a huge increase in the number of households and a booming economy.And according to the Pacific Research Institute,simple changes could reduce California’s water consumption by 20% over the next 25 years. “The Pacific Institute High Efficiency scenario shows that water use in 2030 could be 20 percent below 2000 levels, even with a growing population and a healthy economy. “, California, one of the fastest growing regions of the world can cut water usage over the next 25 years, even after many efficiency improvements over the past 25 years, then it should be much easier for other regions in the world to do the same. Imagine what we could do if we eliminated non-native grass lawns and charged farmers a more realistic price for their water. This is not rocket science.

  4. Dave Pollard says:

    Gav: Thanks. I confess I’m not a fan of Nielsen products. I find blogpulse tends to pander to celebrity watch, trivia, and other similar insignificant matters while ignoring matters of substance. Their charts are pretty cluttered and undecipherable. “The job of the media is to make what’s important interesting”, as Bill Maher said, and the MSM and Nielsen have no interest in doing that. Joe: Could, could, could. Yes of course this is all possible, but that doesn’t mean it will happen. We are a reactive species, always playing catch-up. Western US snowpack, which provides most of their potable water and irrigates 75% of US-grown fruit, is down by 60% in a generation, and still plummeting due to global warming. Even if PRI’s recommendations were followed, it would not be enough to prevent a huge water scarcity in the US by 2050, one which could easily precipitate a war with Canada. We’re going to see too-little, too-late conservation of water just as we’re seeing it now with oil.

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