. Diagnosis: Why Civilization is Unsustainable
. Prescription: How to Save the World
. Understanding How Gaia Works
. Overpopulation: The Crash Catalyst
. Let-Self-Change (LSC): Resilience & Self-Experimentation
. Activism: What Else You Can Do Personally
. Building a Community-Based Society
. Creating a Gift Economy and Other Alternate Economies
. Understanding and Caring for Our Animal Friends

(* indicates key How to Save the World articles)

updated Jan. 1, 2007

Diagnosis: Why Civilization is Unsustainable
Root Causes (February, 2003) dealing with the disease, not the symptom
Losing the Game (April, 2003) a parable about today’s environmental madness
Global Warming: A Tragedy of the Commons (December, 2003) Why there’s no political will to fix it
A Language Older Than Words (January, 2004) Derrick Jensen tells us what’s wrong with the world and what to do
The Fear of Nature (January, 2004) Its root cause, and how to overcome it
Living Outside Ourselves (February, 2004) remembering who we were until our culture made us like everyone else
Global Warming & the Crime of Denial (March, 2004) Bush’s ostrich act on global warming threatens the planet
The Empire Strikes Out (March, 2004) The eloquent environmentalism of Kenny Ausubel
The Only Life We Know: The Cost of Not Knowing (II) (April, 2004) we put up with a grim, monstrous existence because it’s the only life we know, the only life we can imagine
We Share This Land (April, 2004) private property laws aggravate the Tragedy of the Commons and deprive us of contact with nature
How Nature Works and Why Civilization Doesn’t and The Real War Ahead (June, 2004) a systems view of Gaia – charts showing how both systems are self-reinforcing, with forty actions to help restore the natural one
Catastrophic Agriculture (July, 2004) Richard Manning explains how we discovered rather than invented agriculture, and how that discovery sent us down a wrong path and created most of rhe ills we face today
The Consequences of Failure (July, 2004) What ecological collapse might look like
The Chemical Soup We Live In (August, 2004) the poisons in our midst
The Real Issues, and Why No One Talks About Them (September, 2004) why vested interests avoid the complex and controversial issues
He Can’t Hear You Anymore (December, 2004) our addiction to consumption and debt, and how it’s made us homeless
Simple Truths (January, 2005) putting the reality of modern life in simple terms
Jared Diamond’s Collapse (January, 2005)  a new book explains how societies collapse, but is a bit to rosy about how to avoid it happening again
The Death of Environmentalism (January, 2005)  two environmentalists explain why the movement has lost esteem, focus and direction
In the Year 2045 (February, 2005) Ran Prieur predicts a slow crash, and I add my own predictions
A Short History of Progress (March, 2005) Ronald Wright’s new book anticipates Jared Diamond’s Collapse, but puts a darker face on root causes
Homo Sapiens, Gatherer (August 16, 2005) #1245 – Anthropologists and archeologists show we were originally vegetarians/gatherers and then became carnivores/hunters in such a big way we now can’t easily switch back
Living on Borrowed Time (August 28, 2005) #1257 – James Kunstler’s The Long Emergency says we have a few years yet to learn to live with less
Beginning Again (Sept. 6, 2005) #1265 – David Ehrenfeld’s prophetic 1993 book on civilization coming apart bit by bit
The Bird Feeder and the Tragedy of the Commons (Sept. 12, 2005) #1271 – Conservation is unnatural, which is why bird feeders and other commons attract squabbling
The Challenge of Wilderness Environmentalism and the Four Myths of Civilization (Dec. 18, 2005) #1377 – Why wilderness is so important, but its protection is espoused by so few
No Noble Savage (Jan. 12, 2006) #1404 – We’re not innately better or worse than gatherer-hunter humans, just more prone (due to stress) and more empowered (due to technology) to commit atrocities
The End of Civilization as a ‘Software Crash’ (Jan. 22, 2006) #1414 – Are we headed for the Blue Screen of Death of civilization culture?
Can Cities Become Resilient? (Feb. 7, 2006) #1430 – The short answer: no
The End of Oil: Collapse vs Powerdown and the Choice of Economies (March 20, 2006) #1472 – Depression first, says Paula Hay; then, if we’re smart, replacing the economy with a more resilient one to handle the end of oil, but collapse is more likely
Dreaming in Petrocolour: The End of Oil Dependency? (March 24, 2006) #1476 – Amory Lovins prescription falls victim, alas, to four common myths
Feeling Unbearable Grief for Gaia (March 29, 2006) #1481 – Richard Anderson explains that At the heart of the modern age is a core of grief, and describes that grief’s four stages
The Weather Makers (April 5, 2006) #1488 – Tim Flannery’s new book erases the last doubts about the causes and dangers of global warming
The Dark and Gathering Sameness of the World (April 19, 2006) #1501 – Terry Glavin’s Waiting for the Macaws: Stories of dawning extinction
Lack of Presence (April 26, 2006) #1508 – We’re too busy living in the past and the future to realize what’s going on and what we have to do
How Would We Behave in a Great Depression? (April 28, 2006) #1510 – The next great depression will likely precede civilization’s collapse, and give us an idea of how we will cope with that collapse
Home-Free (July 4, 2006) #1578 – Our loss of place: The garden we cast ourselves out of is gone, and besides there are too many of us now to fit in it anyway
About the Author, and About this Blog (July 5, 2006) #1579 – My credo, history and purpose for writing, as a bit of context for all these articles
Endgame (August 10, 2006) #1609 – Derrick Jensen’s 2-volume epic describes the twenty operating principles that doom our civilization to self-annihilation
This is Our Tomorrow, Today (Nov. 16, 2006) #1698 – The hell that is Lagos today foreshadows the overpopulated, overcrowded, economically depressed, crisis-ridden future of all of us

Prescription: How to Save the World
Five Elements of a New Culture (July, 2003) prerequisites for an environmentally friendly culture
There’s Something Happening Here (July, 2003) adding a new politic to the new culture and economy
Writing Our New Story (January, 2004) want a new society, a new culture? write a new story
Plan B (March, 2004) if moderate solutions don’t prevent eco-catastrophe, we might have to resort to this
The Stuff That Dreams are Made Of (July, 2004) thinking with the gloves off about how we could radically reduce population and consumption
The Truth About Nature: How to Save the World (August, 2004) a substantially revised and updated version of this 2002 paper
A Theory of Knowledge (September, 2004) could a new story, attention to overpopulation and overconsumption, the wisdom of crowds and helping each other overcome obstacles, be the formula for saving the world?
What are the Chances for our World? (September, 2004) applying Kotter’s theory of business change to saving the planet
A Global Think-Tank Based on the Wisdom of Crowds (October, 2004) could unbiased, vastly connected virtual think-tanks staffed by amateurs solve the world’s most intractible problems better than the grey-beards?
Inventing a New Human Culture (January 2005) technology got us into this mess, could collaboratively-developed technology get us out?
Duties Beyond Borders: Towards a Society Built on Respect for All Life (February, 2005) Peter Brown’s pragmatic yet idealistic prescription for stewardship of the planet
Dyson’s Dream (February, 2005) Free Information, Freedom from the Grid, and Peer-to-Peer Bio-Innovation as components of a world-changing program to undermine the economy
Could Social Networking Save the World? (March, 2005) Rob Paterson argues that social networks could allow us to connect and transact with each other so powerfully it could replace our economic system
Creating a Post-Civilization Culture (March, 2005) The ingredients: Principles, Learnings, Enablers and Infrastructure
Seeing the Big Picture (Building a Bigger Frame) (March, 2005) Looking for synthetic, non-parochial, transcendent ways of solving the world’s problems
* The End of Philosophy (May 2, 2005) #1131 – John Gray’s extraordinary Straw Dogs tells us we cannot change who we are and we will not save the world, but that’s OK
The Rogue Animal and Gaia Consciousness (May 4) #1134 – John Livingston’s 1994 Rogue primate tells us it is not too late to rediscover our true natural purpose and higher consciousness
* Too Far Ahead (Oct. 11, 2005) #1300 – Civilization is on its last legs, and we can’t save it; the answer isn’t despair but personal responsibility to make the world better now, and striving to live a full, natural, joyful, purposeful, aware life
What Good is Technology Anyway? (Dec. 20, 2005) #1380 – If deployed to the right ends, to make the world a better place to live, it is potentially very good
The Hanover Principles  (Dec. 24, 2005) #1385 – The principles for sustainable living drawn up by Bill McDonough for the World’s Fair
How to Disrupt and Replace the (Distorted) ‘Market’ Economy (Dec. 6, 2005) #1364 – Building a new economy around Intentional Communities, Natural Enterprises, and information-powered consumer/citizen activism
The Canadian Sustainability Movement: A Three-Part Plan for World-Changing (Feb. 3, 2006) #1426 – How the Suzuki Foundation’s sustainability plan, combined with grassroots actions, could yield a sustainable nation
Sustainability, Cradle to Cradle (Feb. 12, 2006) #1435 – Bill McDonough explains how to make buildings and products in a completely sustainable way
Taking Things Into Our Own Hands (Feb. 24, 2006) #1447 – Even problems like global warming might better be solved by grassroots, bottom-up action instead of relying on politicians or ‘the market’
The Sustainable Living Collaborative: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (March 12, 2006) #1463 – An elaboration on post #1426 above
Beyond Hope: The Radicalization of Derrick Jensen (May 26, 2006) #1538 – Jensen’s new book ‘endgame’ advises us to live responsibly but without hope; I’m not sure this is possible for most of us
The Great Turning (June 9, 2006) #1552 – David Korten’s new book contains interesting principles for a new political and economic order, but no practical roadmap
Cultural Divergence After the Crash: Thoughts on The Only Life We Know (June 14, 2006) #1558 – The post-civilization cultural model around which my novel-in-progress in based
What Progressives Are Missing (June 25, 2006) #1569 – The need and process to starve the status quo
The Logic of Sufficiency (July 28, 2006) #1600 – Thomas Princen’s set of principles, assumptions and connecting theory for rationally and collectively self-managing complex adaptive systems
George Monbiot’s Heat — Part One (Oct. 30, 2006) #1690 and Part Two (Nov. 3, 2006) #1692 – A specific plan to reduce CO2 emissions by 90%, but it requires everyone’s cooperation to work
Getting Environmentally Friendly Transportation Back on the Rails (Dec. 14, 2006) #1725 – It’s no longer a practical solution on a large scale, but there are things we can do to attract energy-efficient transportation nevertheless

Understanding How Gaia Works
Common Sense (February, 2003) the wisdom of trusting your instincts
The World We Want (February, 2003) Mark Kingwell’s book also says trust your instincts
The Third Way   (March, 2003) why you should trust your instincts
Dangerous Meme #1: Tribalism Works, #2: Why You Hate Your Jobw and #3: Advice for Advancing Radical Ideas (May, 2003) about tribes and tribal businesses
How to be Human (September, 2003) three life lessons, from a duck
How Hard it is to be Different (September, 2003) our culture’s homogeneity makes it harder for radical change to be accepted, and makes us more vulnerable
The Perfect House (October, 2003) Farley Mowat explains the Inuit solution to the housing crisis
The Truth About Stories and Our Story (December, 2003) Thomas King explains that stories are all we are, the essence of our culture, and what that means
We Are Each Our Own Culture (February, 2004) How we are each much more unique and alone than we might imagine
A Sacred Earth Culture (March, 2004) a recapitulation of my environmental philosopy, and an intro to psychologist Glenn Parton’s argument about why a Sacred Earth culture is so hard for us to imagine
The Spell of the Sensuous Part One , Part Two and Part Three (April, 2004) David Abrams book on the importance of reawakening our senses and imagination and moving from our minds to our bodies, to reconnect with the Earth and its important knowledge
Love Politics and Loving More Than One (April/May, 2004) Glenn Parton’s essay on how our culture of emotional and sexual exclusivity closes us off from each other and damages us psychologically, and my thoughts elaborating on this idea
Cultural Metamorphosis (May, 2004) Elisabet Sahtouris and Gary Alexander say our next culture could emerge cocoon-like
Sensualization (October, 2004) a ‘magical’ exercise to reconnect with nature and your senses
Why I Sometimes Don’t Make ‘Sense’ (October, 2004) just because I can’t explain instinctive knowledge in rational or moral terms doesn’t mean it’s not the best guide for human behaviour
Saving the Land (November, 2004) John Taylor Gatto talks about his eco-philosophy, and sets a great example
The Three Principles (December, 2004) The Chumash teach that limitation, moderation and compensation make for a great culture
A Lesson from the Gwaii Haanas (December, 2004) How the Haida tried to confront empire, and how Shoshana Zuboff says we should try again
Exterminism by Glenn Parton (January, 2005) and Free Love  (April, 2005) and The Great Refusal (May 21, 2005) #1153 the first two parts of Glenn’s 3-part essay, on the psychology of the US after Bush 2004, and the spiritual rationale for polyamory
Ivan Illich: Progressive-Libertarian-Anarchist Priest (February, 2005) Illich’s ideas to reform education, de-institutionalize society and de-materialize values as steps to reintegrate ourselves into a balanced ecosystem
Love Politics Revisited (March, 2005) Laura Kipnis’s Against Love argues that monogamy is the boot camp for compliant citizenship
Is Emotional Neediness Destroying Our World? (April, 2005) abuse or neglect a child and he’ll grow up to wreak havoc on the world
Ken Wilber vs Stan Rowe (April, 2005) contrasting ‘membership’ with ‘deep ecology’ environmental philosophy
Making Peace With the End of Civilization (May 16, 2005) #1148 – Why I’m a happy diligent pessimist
Is There Hope for Humanity?: A Conversation (June 5, 2005) #1169 – My idealistic and skeptical sides debate the future of the planet
Eulogy: Learning to Let Go (August 22, 2005) #1251 – Four lessons our late beloved Chelsea taught me
Environmentalists vs Environmentalists (August 23, 2005) #1252 – Bright green technophoria and dark green nihilism are tearing the movement apart
Human Nature – An Unscientific Survey (August 29, 2005) #1258 – My readers weigh in on how we’d handle a civilizational collapse
Presence (Oct. 13, 2005) #1302 – A new book by Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski & Flowers proposes a model for dealing with complex challenges that resonates with new thinking in other areas
Close Your Eyes and Imagine (Dec. 22, 2005) #1383 – Why we need to learn to imagine a better world before we can build it
Think More, Feel Less? (Dec. 26, 2005) #1386 – The more we think, the less purely we sense, and the less we really feel.
* Forgive Yourself: Becoming a Care-Taker for Gaia (Feb. 5, 2006) #1428 – You can’t save the world if you’re consumed with guilt
* Living On The Edge (April 2, 2006) #1485 – Future change leaders are going to come not from left or right, but from the edges, working in concert with a growing number of ‘marginalized’ constituencies; the van der Post philosophy
March of the Penguins: Unbearable Truths (April 30, 2006) #1512 – This amazing film teaches that in a natural world, there are no rights, only responsibilities

Overpopulation: The Crash Catalyst
* The Dilemma of Overpopulation (August, 2003) it’s the one thing that can’t be fixed bottom up
Warning: Controversial Ideas Ahead (August, 2003) the three issues that put radical environmentalists offside their moderate counterparts
* The Cause of Violence (November, 2003) population pressure impacts how we mistreat our young, and what they become as a result
One Billion Americans (December, 2003) The Center for Immigration Studies shows how far off the US census bureau forecasts are, and what it means
Running out of Time, Running out of Room (December, 2003) A continuation of ‘One Billion Americans’  (above) revisits global population projections, consumption footprints, and the consequences of both
Population – A Systems Approach (February, 2004) The Story of B excerpts that explain how food surplus produces overpopulation
More Unpalatable Thoughts on Overpopulation (February, 2004) Edward Hall’s explanation of how overcrowding causes war, violence and most of the ills of modern society
The Population Stress Index, and Some Solutions (March, 2004) Correlating population stress and violence, and some ways to reduce population stress
Eating Our Young (May, 2004) war and violence are symptoms of a massive stress reaction to overcrowding and scarcity
Taking Action Not Responsibility (May, 2004) does population stress lead governments and people to act irresponsibly?
The Global Footprint Stress Index (December, 2004) a measure of the severity of the problem country by country
New, Deadly, Easily Spread: the Avian Flu (February, 2005) history of a disease, and the futility of fighting it without reforming human behaviour and reducing population
A Circular Argument (March, 2005) a conversation with myself about whether it’s essential to reduce human population to save the world
Baby Boom Ahead (March, 2005) the forecasts of leveling-off population assumes people the world over will keep settling for fewer children than they want
Immigration: The Environmentalist’s Dilemma (April 24, 2006) #1506 – We can’t let them suffer when we ruined their countries, but letting them in could ruin ours

Let-Self-Change (LSC): Resilience & Self-Experimentation (See also Complexity & Discovery)
The Shangri-La Diet (May 10, 2006) #1522 – A curious viral best-seller is not really about a diet, but rather about self-experimentation as a means of taking charge of your own well-being
Self-Experimentation: For More Than Just Diets (May 19, 2006) #1531 – It’s the natural way of learning, especially about what’s unnatural about the way we live
Self-Experimentation, Instant Feedback and the Freakonomics Game (May 23, 2006) #1535 – Self-Experimentation requires practicing unconventional imagining about what may be the causes of and cures for our lack of well-being
* it’s never a good time (June 7, 2006) #1550 – Why we do what we must, then we do what’s easy, then we do what’s fun
Re-Learning to Listen (June 8, 2006) #1551 – Ten ways to practice listening skills
How to Change Hearts, Minds & Behaviours (June 11, 2006) #1554 – …and how you mostly can’t, other than your own
Distance Running as Meditation (June 26, 2006) #1570 – Connection, accomplishment, relaxation or just endorphins, it seems to work
Self-Experimentation: This Time it’s Serious (July 20, 2006) #1594 – My plan to find the cause and cure for my disease, which currently has neither
The Intuitive Process: Emergent Understanding, Instinct, Imagination and Hypothesis (July 25, 2006) #1598 – My three hypotheses about the causes of ulcerative colitis and other auto-immune diseases
Let-Self-Change: Learning About Approaches to Complexity from Gatherer-Hunter Cultures (August 6, 2006) #1606 – Hugh Brody’s The Other Side of Eden explains how inidgenous cultures work
Principles of Self-Experimentation: Dave Strives to Help His Body Heal Itself (August 11, 2006) #1610 – My outline of 12 principles that can guide any self-experimentation program
Dave’s Self-Change Journey (August 21, 2006) #1618 – A progress report on ‘taking my own medicine’
Self-Experimentation Update: Science vs Instinct, and The Stress Factor (August 29, 2006) #1626 – LSC activities fall into 4 categories: perspective, self-changeability, stress discharge outlets, and acceptance of complexity; is collective LSC possible, to share imagination about self-experimentation possibilities?
Self-Experimentation Update (Continued): The Hundred-Year Lie, A Stress Management Program, and Questions on Probiotics (August 30, 2006) #1627 – How our food system is dysfunctional; how to manage stress; do probiotics really work?
*Sigh* — The End of My Euphoria (Sept. 5, 2006) #1634 – As the urgency and crisis passes, so does the pace of Let-Self-Change?
Three Paths to Let-Self-Change, and Learning to Breathe (Sept. 8, 2006) #1637 – Reconciling Indigo Ocean’s Being Bliss with Scharmer’s Presence, and practicing LSC
Discharging Stress: Not That Simple (Sept. 13, 2006) #1642 – Stress reactions are somatic, and reducing them is hard, perhaps impossible
We’re Not Aware of What We’re Not Aware of (Sept. 19, 2006) #1648 – We can’t LSC until we become aware of who and what we are now
Self-Experimentation: What the Numbers Say (Sept. 25, 2006) #1654 – My correlations to date suggest what produces well-being in a UC sufferer, and what makes no difference at all
Intentionality (Sept. 26, 2006) #1655 – No one is in control: the only person who has influence over our personal ability to Let-Self-Change is us
Improving Your Capacity for Attention, Resilience, Intentionality & Imagination in Four Minutes Each Hour (Sept. 29, 2006) #1659 – My LSC practice routine
How to Deal With Complexity Day-to-Day (Oct. 8, 2006) #1668 – A fifteen-step approach to cope with anything
How to Cope With Bad Environmental (or Other) News (Oct. 12, 2006) #1672 – Being aware of our physical and emotional response to grief, building up our resilience, minimizing exposure to unactionable bad news, and engaging in lots of social activities
The Four Preconditions for Let-Self-Change (Nov. 21, 2006) #1702 – Awareness & attention, openness, actionable information, and time & energy, are four successive doors every personal change has to navigate
Workarounds (Dec.18, 2006) #1730 – The 10 steps to working around complex problems, and how to encourage workarounds through use of working models and stories

Activism: What Else You Can Do Personally
Ten Simple Ways to Help the Environment (February, 2003) not the obvious stuff you already know
Volunteer   (February, 2003) why it’s so important, and who to call to get started
How to Be a Successful Activist   (March, 2003) some steps from someone whose already done it
Rights, Power & Revolution (March, 2003) Organize, Communicate, Investigate, to bring about change
Becoming a Vegetarian (July, 2003)
How to Change Anything (August, 2003) Dana Meadowa’ systems thinking approach to political change
How to Stop Urban Sprawl (October, 2003) A toolkit that works
Radical Simplicity and A Second Look (December, 2003) Jim Merkel’s workbook to reduce your ecological footprint and free yourself from wage slavery
What I’m Doing to Help Save the World (December, 2003) actions I’m working on
Maybe One (December, 2003) Why reducing family size could be the most important decision of your life
In Defense of Radical Environmentalism (February, 2004) a virtual conversation about the legitimacy of sabotage
Our Energy Audit, and Space-Efficient Home Design (February, 2004)
Ten Ways to Make a Difference (March, 2004) Peter Singer’s pragmatic advice on how to change people’s minds
Thinking Out Loud (May, 2004) in which I talk to myself about my future goals as an environmentalist
Taking Vegetarianism Mainstream (June, 2004) ten ways to make botanic cuisine ubiquitous
Good Stuff (June, 2004) buying socially and environmentally friendly products
How You Can Help Save the World (June, 2004) fifteen things anyone can do
The How to Save the World Reading List (July, 2004) An updated bibliography of the 50 most important books and articles on the causes and solutions to our environmental crisis
Life Choices (October, 2004) the 10 big choices, how they’ve evolved and how we could do much better
Buying Green (December, 2004) where, how, and why to be a more conscientious consumer
A Commitment to Radical Change (December, 2004) Readers tell me they like what I’ve done so far, loathe what I’m doing next
The Green Movement: A Manifesto (December, 2004) seven steps to a mass cultural movement of greens
Tom & Kenny’s Crazy Wisdom (January, 2005) it may be easier to persuade people by entertaining than lecturing them, and it may be healthier for the teacher to stay playful too
A Better Way (February, 2005)  another attempt at a manifesto for environmentalism that everyone can buy into
What To Do If You Find an Injured Animal (March, 2005)  detailed advice from Ingrid Newkirk
Renaturalizing Your Community (April, 2005)  replacing non-native and invasive species and brownfield ‘deserts’ with local native species could transform the world
Chop Wood, Carry Water (May 3, 2005) #1132 – The importance of allotting time, every day, to stop thinking and just be
Finding a Job with a Socially and Environmentally Responsible Organization (June 2, 2005) #1166 – Ten ideas that can help you find a meaningful job and make the world a better place at the same time
It’s All About Attention (June 7, 2005) #1171 – We’re designed and indoctrinated to pay attention to the here and now, what’s urgent and consistent with our worldview, not what’s important and complex and far away.
If You’re Not Part of the Solution, You’re Part of the Problem (July 10, 2005) #1206 – I love my fellow environmental bloggers, but sometimes their faith in technology and human nature is unwarranted and unhelpful
Learning to Pay Attention (July 11, 2005) #1207 – Why is it that we have have to teach adults to do something that every child knows how to do from birth?
Lawn, Yawn (July 22, 2005) #1218 – Dealing with weeds, insects and other lawn problems effectively and responsibly
Could You Live Without Money? (August 30, 2005) #1259 – An awful lot of what we spend is a direct result of the fact that we go out to work to earn money so we’ll have it to spend
Cellular Organization (Sept. 26, 2005) #1285 – Are cells the best way to get people organized to get things done?
We Only Pay for, and Retain, Information That’s ‘Durable’ (Sept. 30, 2005) #1289 – A proposal for a magazine of actionable news that you could pull out and file by topic in follow-up ‘workbook’ binders
Three Necessary Capabilities for Becoming Aware (Oct. 25, 2005) #1318 – Suspension, redirection, letting go: if we can learn to do this, we’ll be much better at solving complex problems
Language and the ‘Otherness’ of the Environment (Oct. 26, 2005) #1319 – To get around the limitations of language, use demonstration, the arts and creative linguistics to spread the message
The Boycott List (Nov. 3, 2005, updated from Dec. 2003) #1328 – The world’s most irresponsible corporations, and a few very good ones
Ten Reasons to Halt All Trade With China (Nov. 29, 2005) #1355 – We are complicit in the disgraceful social and environmental behaviours of China when we support their regime and economy with our trade
Fear of Volunteering (Dec. 5, 2005) #1362 – How to find the right place to volunteer and make it less uncomfortable an experience
*   How to Save the World Reading List – Revised and Updated (April 14, 2006) #1497 – An updated bibliography of the 50 most important books and articles on the causes and solutions to our environmental crisis
Saving the World: What You Can Do (April 17, 2006) #1499 – 15 things anyone can do, and how they dovetail with needed top-down and peer-to-peer collective actions (update of the June 2004 article above)
What Should We Invest In If the Economy’s Going to Collapse? (May 29, 2006) #1541 – 10 ideas based on what has worked in previous serious recessions
Escaping the Prison (June 30, 2006) #1574 – David Edwards’ 1995 book Burning All Illusions explains how we have been sucked into conformity, and offers 16 ‘tools’ for escaping to the Edge
How Much Difference Does a Generation Make? (July 10, 2006) #1584 – Some hints about how to become more authentically human, as the first step for saving the world
Living On the Edge, Comfortably (Sept. 14, 2006) #1643 – In the tension between the corporatist centre and the Edge, the centre is easier but the Edge is more fun
How to Be a Model (Sept. 20, 2006) #1649 – Six ways to live up to Gandhi’s ‘be the change’ admonishment
Ten Steps to a Radically Simpler Life, and a Scenario to Imagine (Sept. 22, 2006) #1651 – Simpler everything, and considering pursuing simplicity with others
Ten Ways to Take Better Care of the Land (Oct. 16, 2006) #1676 – The first one is to plant lots of trees
Too Much Talk, Not Enough Action: But What To Do? (Dec. 19, 2006) #1731 – Eventually it makes sense to stop talking and just listen, pay attention and then, perhaps, do something

Building a Community-Based Society
Community (August, 2003) the three types of community and how to make them work
Exposing the Young to Nature (July, 2004) how Model Intentional Communities could show the way forward
Creating Model Intentional Communities (August, 2004) how to do it, and how they could change the way we all live
Small is Beautiful (October, 2004) making community-based organizations work won’t be easy, but it’s vital
Creating a Life Together (January 2005) Diana Leafe Christian’s handbook on how to build intentional communities
Collective Processes (January, 2005)  link to a new resource that shows how to build consensus and make collaboration work
The Importance of Place (June 13, 2005) #1178 – Place, the place we call home, the place we belong to, defines us. When we have lost our sense of place, we have lost our soul
*  How We Can Make Intentional Communities Work (August 2, 2005) #1229 – A scenario that shows the 3 challenges ICs face
Sand Towns: Pueblos de Arena Strives for a Cultural Renaissance (Oct. 24, 2005) #1317 – An appeal for sponsors to support a project in Peru that would make aboriginal communities self-sufficient again
Community Resource Management: Old Rules, and New Sustainable Ones (Nov. 4, 2005) #1329 – How to run a community with a light touch and an aim of self-sufficiency
How to Disrupt and Replace the (Distorted) ‘Market’ Economy (Dec. 6, 2005) #1364 – Building a new economy around Intentional Communities, Natural Enterprises, and information-powered consumer/citizen activism
Taking Things Into Our Own Hands (Feb. 24, 2006) #1447 – Proposing new global social and political ‘system’ based on personal responsibility and action at the cellular, microcommunity level
Why Only a Local Community Based Economy Can Save Us (April 15, 2006) #1498 – Wendel Berry explains how neighbourhood + subsistence = sustainability
The Challenge of Building Community (May 30, 2006) #1542 – Why we seem so incapable of doing what was natural for so long, and some ideas for regaining that capacity
‘Solving’ Complex Problems: The Networked Society vs the Hierarchical One (July 13, 2006) #1587 – If we want to displace our dysfunctional society, economy and politics, we need to offer real, immediate alternatives, starting with ‘working models’
My Ideal ‘Community House’ (August 22, 2006) #1619 – Designing a space for a group to live and make a living together
Jeff Vail’s A Theory of Power (Dec. 4, 2006) #1716 – Vail says we need to confront hierarchy with its opposite — rhizome — whose working units are self-sufficient, egalitarian communities, and in which the concept of ‘ownership’ is eliminated
Scenario Planning vs. Collective Vision: Imagining What’s Possible (Dec. 7, 2006) #1719 – The 8 steps in scenario planning, from Art of the Long View, and why collective visioning is a better way than scenarios to imagine what’s possible

Creating a Gift Economy and Other Alternate Economies
The Cost of Renewable Energy (February, 2003) rates per kwh, per Worldwatch
Environmental & Social Economics (March, 2003) a primer on the work of Herman Daly and others
Citizens Not Consumers (April, 2003) a prescription for a post-capitalist economy
A Naive Tax System That Works (May, 2003) how a radically new tax system could change business and human behaviour
The Hydrogen Economy (May, 2003) how it works, and how it helps, and the challenges
Water: The Other Scarce Liquid (June, 2003) the extent of the global scarcity, per the BBC
*   The Post-Consumer Economy (June, 2003) how an economy based on collaboration & well-being, and a relater-sharer culture, could change everything
Future of Business & the Next Economy (July, 2003) Zuboff’s Support Economy falls short, but could be a stepping stone to New Collaborative (Natural) Enterprises
Brownfield Development vs. Urban Sprawl (September, 2003) how to save greenspace, revitalize inner cities and save energy at the same time
The Coming Energy Crisis (September, 2004) Stan Goff explains why there are no simple, or clean, ways to avoid it
Why Wilderness Conservation Won’t Happen (September, 2004) The law will readily wade into moral issues, but not if it interferes with commerce
Taxing Bads (September, 2004) how a second parallel currency could save the environment and redistribute wealth
Environmental Sustainability Index (January, 2005) a news survey rates countries on their environmental sustainability
Renaissance of the Commons (January, 2005)  two Harvard profs trash ‘free market dogma’ and show how the commons is getting new respect
The Growth Illusion (February, 2005) Richard Douthwaite explains how growth objectives pervert the economy, and how an alternative sustainable community-based economy could work
How to Make Money Giving Stuff Away Free (March, 2005) Some ways that work, and others that don’t
The Gift Economy (April, 2005) if enough of us followed the lead of scientists, open source, bloggers and file-sharers and gave things away free, we could replace the market economy with a fairer one
Generosity is Not the Same as Charity (April 26, 2005) #1124 – The Gift Economy is built on generosity, not charity.
* Can We Make the Gift Economy Work? (July 31, 2005) #1227 – Some early successes and three strategies for building on them
How About a Gift Economy Simulation?  (August 1, 2005) #1228 – What a simulation of a large-scale Gift Economy might show us
After the Crash: A Blueprint for a Community-Based Economy (Nov. 10, 2005) #1335 – Richard Douthwaite’s book Short Circuit tells us how such a community might work
How to Disrupt and Replace the (Distorted) ‘Market’ Economy (Dec. 6, 2005) #1364 – Building a new economy around Intentional Communities, Natural Enterprises, and information-powered consumer/citizen activism
The Virtuous Cycles of the Gift Economy (Dec. 6, 2006) #1718 – It all starts with acknowledging that our time is worth more than the money we sell it for
The Wisdom of Crowds Ignored, and Buying Local for the Gift Economy (Dec. 22, 2006) #1734 – At Christmas, handmade and locally-made gifts recall the original purpose of gift exchange and contribute to the gift economy

Understanding & Caring For Our Animal Friends
Canada’s Shame: Pound Seizure   (March, 2003) current laws on pound seizure, and how to deal with them
Why Has the Anti-Smoking Movement Succeeded while the Animal Rights Movement Has Failed? (April, 2003) why PETA is so radical
Still No Safe Place (August, 2003) Canada’s Senate blocks animal cruelty legislation
Another Animal Cruelty Horror (October, 2003) A Canadian pig farm lets 10,000 die horribly
A Crime of Stupefying Proportions (October, 2003) Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello wonders whether a holocaust is all around us
It’s Not Funny (November, 2003) a new video The Meatrix explains the evils of factory farms
If I Could Talk to the Animals (November, 2003) if they can learn to  understand our language, but we can’t figure out their’s, which animal is smarter?
Jeff Masson & The Virtue of Gentle Persuasion (January 2004) the argument for better treatment of farm animals, and a vegan diet
Science Shorts (February 2004) animal communication, learning from nature, and erasable paper
Ten Ways to Make a Difference (March, 2004) Peter Singer’s pragmatic advice on how to change people’s minds
A Pragmatic Approach to Animal Rights (February, 2005) laws for protracted and extreme cruelty + innovations to reduce the need for victimization + 2 rights
* The Real Difference Between Humans and Other Animals (April, 2005) we have a lower tolerance for pain, and a higher one for imprisonment
‘A Nation Wired for Everything Except the Truth’ (June 8, 2005) #1172 – The disgrace of industrial farming
Fighting Factory Farms (June 12, 2005) #1177 – Seven things you can do
What the Raven Said (Nov. 9, 2005) #1334 – Some intelligence on animal intelligence and the importance of wilderness
Aphid Philosophy (Dec. 12, 2005) #1371 – Maybe the tiny creatures of the world are smarter and more sensitive than we think
An Apology for Canada’s Treatment of Animals (March 5, 2006) #1456 – Not just seals: Canada’s treatment of all animals is a disgrace for a ‘civilized’ nation
The Cause of Elephant Violence (Oct. 19, 2006) #1679 – It’s the same as the cause of violence in overcrowded, fear-dominated urban cores
For the Love of a Dog (Nov. 29, 2006) #1711 – Patricia McConnell’s new book is one part training manual and one part love story