. [to frankie]
there is already no one
there is already no seeking
there is already only this
not in time, but not eternal — only always
not in space, but not infinite — only everywhere
there is already only what is appearing, not any thing, not any happening,
. just unfolding
it is already over
. (all my trials…)
there is already no thing, and no thing apart
there is already no life, no birth, no death, no events, no continuity, nothing passing, nothing changing, nothing lost or gained
everything is already always new
there is already no meaning, no purpose, no causality, no agency, no how or why,
no need for any of that
there is already no relationship, no necessity for anything to be other than this
this is already obvious, always here, always just this, open to be seen
. (but not by any one)
there is already nothing needed, nothing to be done,
nothing that must or should or might be done
what then is left?
no thing
and everything
a stunning, full-on embrace: this
[painting by BC artist Terry Kolber]