Author Archives: Dave Pollard

Untethered, Still

This is #31 in a series of month-end reflections on the state of the world, and other things that come to mind, as I walk, hike, and explore in my local community. Cartoon by Michael Leunig Oh, people! I know we’re supposed … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Works, Month-End Reflections | 3 Comments

Nothing Is Required

comic by Reza Farazmand Nothing is required for things to appear exactly as they appear. Time is not required: for time is just something we imagine because we can’t make sense of everything-only-apparently-happening all-at-once. Causality and consequence are not required: … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will | 2 Comments

This Is What Collapse Looks Like

Every day now, the news is replete with evidence that, everywhere, things are falling apart faster and faster, and nothing of consequence is being, or can be, done about it. Every civilization collapses, but the collapse of our current global … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | 6 Comments

What We Say and What We Do

Yep, that annoying graphic again. If the subject of free will and conditioning doesn’t fascinate you, give this post a pass. There is something terribly counter-intuitive about the idea, contained in the above graphic, that while our behaviours can condition … Continue reading

Posted in How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves | 2 Comments

Links of the Month: June 2024

cartoon by Michael Leunig from his fans’ FB page If you’re looking for The Truth, you won’t find it here. Just opinions. Stated or implied by what is included in the links below, and perhaps more importantly what is excluded. … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | 6 Comments

The Thing About AI

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about with economic, political and ecological collapse, genocides, grotesquely incompetent ‘leaders’, and nuclear brinkmanship, now we also have to worry about AI. To some extent, as Indrajit Samarajiva has repeatedly pointed out, … Continue reading

Posted in How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | 6 Comments

Not Knowing

The verbs we use to confirm or refute our acceptance of the beliefs and worldviews of those we know, comprise a sort of code, like a hidden handshake, or a shaken fist. We are asked whether we condone or condemn … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | Comments Off on Not Knowing

Are We Communitarian By Nature, or Merely Tribal?

image above from the wild human initiative This month, Aurélien has wandered a bit afield and speculated on the fundamental nature of the human animal. I think most of us can agree that the cult of rugged individualism that has … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, Our Culture / Ourselves | 2 Comments

Delaying Global Economic Collapse: Extend-and-Pretend

When I’ve written about the accelerating collapse of the systems (economic, political, ecological etc) underlying our global civilization, I usually stress the particular vulnerability of our economic systems, and why I believe they will be (and are already starting to … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works | 6 Comments


This is a work of fiction. story … and then, sometimes, I will just believe your whole story, every little hairy audacious detail of it: the tryst, the mystery, the close calls and near-misses, the sidelong glances that you knew … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Works | 1 Comment