Time for How to Save the World ‘s monthly rundown of eclectic and remarkable blogs. Most of these are on the blogrolls of those on my blogroll, and if I had a self-disciplined way of tracking where I first discovered them, I’d give appropriate credit. So a blanket “thank you” to those who know who you are.

The Cassandra Pages have sumptuous artwork, topical poetry and wonderful quotations, such as this one from Eric Maisel:

The writer is something of a shape-changer and trickster, someone a little more treacherous, eccentric, and unpredictable than she at first appears, because she is continually buffeted and transformed by an inner life invisible from the outside. She may speak to you in complete sentences about what her day was like, but inside another life is being lived, one full of beauties and monstrosities, upheavals and transgressions.

Apothecary’s Drawer from UK writer Ray Girvan is, well, it’s hard to describe. A pure ‘linker’ blog, it’s full of connections to unusual sites on mind-stretching subjects. A periodic table of desserts, information on non-reversing mirrors, and why exercise lowers your blood pressure, for example. Just go read.

Unbound Spiral blogger Stuart Henshell collects the best blog posts on business innovation, knowledge and learning, and adds his own insightful commentary. Here’s an excerpt where he describes his young daughter’s online behaviour, a peek into our cultural future:

I’m also fascinated how AIM adoption amongst all her friends in the last year is changing communications patterns. I don’t think I’ve ever had six or more buddy screens open at the same time. Yet for her it’s common place and I think she loses interest when it is less than three. It changes how I communicate with my kids. IM is great and makes me more accessible… The kids are no longer shy or embarassed to “talk to boys” — they have time to think about their responses.  The old phone paranoia is gone.

Rogers Cadenhead’s Workbench has technical advice specifically for Radio and Salon bloggers. Some of it’s a bit advanced for me, but I wish I’d known about this terrific site back when I started blogging. Some good advice in recent posts on indexing your posts, disaster recovery and dealing with slow uplinking.

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  1. Fiona says:

    Wow. Where do you find the time. I finally found the blog of Dave Pollard, who has been dropping in at Fiona for a while, now. Glad to be here.

  2. Evan says:

    What a lovely blog you have here! I followed the link from Emma’s “late night thoughts” and I do believe I’ll stay a while.At the risk of seeming a bit negative on my very first comment, though, I have to wonder what you see in that quote from Eric Maisel, which struck me straight off as a nicely-crafted bit of self-indulgent drivel. Writers are *different* from you and me because they have complex inner lives full of beauty and turmoil? Oh, come *on*. His sentence is just as true if you substitute “steel mill worker” for “writer”, but I’m sure it would never occur to him to say so.I actually know Eric Maisel slightly; he taught me a semester of world lit in high school, back in the early ’80s. I kinda thought he was a git then too. No doubt that’s why the quote stood out for me.

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