Category Archives: Using Weblogs and Technology

Our Curious Propensity to Ignore New Evidence

What is a “belief” anyway, and how does it get “there”? The word belief comes from the old Germanic root that also gives us love and it originally meant something (impersonal) we care about and trust strongly.  I would argue that … Continue reading

Posted in Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves, Using Weblogs and Technology | 2 Comments

Sarapocial Relationships

Cartoon from the New Yorker by the late, great Lee Lorenz A parasocial relationship is that between an individual and some fictional character or some real or idealized group — an entity you can never really know. So I might … Continue reading

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The Real Problems With Artificial Intelligence

a collage of some of my favourite Midjourney AI images, none of them my prompts; to view larger size, right click and open in a new window/tab and then simultaneously press CMD and + to enlarge (CTRL + in Windows) … Continue reading

Posted in How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves, Using Weblogs and Technology | 7 Comments

Longing to be Free (a guest post)

LONGING TO BE FREE Amidst the chaos of our modern days, A call resounds that beckons to our soul, A whisper in the wind that gently sways, And bids us to embrace a primal goal — To roam the earth … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Works, How the World Really Works, Using Weblogs and Technology | 3 Comments

The YouTube Power Law, and My Favourite Subscriptions

When blogs were new and all the rage, Clay Shirky published something called the “Power Law” that said the popularity of blogs followed an exponential “power curve” that looked like a curved hockey stick — Y=mXb. That meant that 1% … Continue reading

Posted in How the World Really Works, Using Weblogs and Technology | 2 Comments

None of the News That’s Fit to Print

If you read blogs and other information sources regularly, it’s probably because you know you’re not getting the information you want from media publishers, either mainstream or alternative/independent. As I wrote last year, media publishers can no longer afford to … Continue reading

Posted in How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves, Using Weblogs and Technology | 2 Comments

Do We Know Ourselves Only Through Our Relationships?

Aaron Williamson‘s Model of Identity and Community, 2013 Most of us define ourselves in terms of our relationships — who we work with, who we live with, and who we consider to be in our ‘circles’. When we write a … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves, Using Weblogs and Technology | 4 Comments

Switching from Feedburner to Follow.It

Google is abandoning its free RSS-to-email service Feedburner (that I’ve used for a decade) in two weeks. My brother Alan (thank you!) has arranged to transition my blog’s subscription service to Follow.It and that transition starts today. If you’re an … Continue reading

Posted in Using Weblogs and Technology | 4 Comments

Weather ‘Tis Nobler

I‘ve had a personal weather station for about four years. Living on a small island with microclimates, where the weather doesn’t quite match that of any of the nearby places served by Environment Canada (shown as red dots above), I … Continue reading

Posted in Using Weblogs and Technology | 3 Comments

Blogging Without Facebook

Cartoon from the New Yorker by Lee Lorenz Five years ago I summarized why I still blog this way: I keep blogging because I owe just about everything about my current situation to my blog. My writing and my readers’ … Continue reading

Posted in Using Weblogs and Technology | 3 Comments