Tomorrow (Thursday) I trade in my PC for a new one. Lawrence Lee at Radio Userland quickly and expertly (through the Userland Discussion Forum) answered my question about how to ensure my blog remains intact. In short: no need to reinstall as long as the drive\path doesn’t change. Just move the entire \Program Files\Radio Userland folder (software, backup files, www folder and all) to the same place on the new drive. I’m backing up just in case. Probably no post Thursday as I make the transition. See you Friday.
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  1. Rayne says:

    Good luck! Better make a small offering to the demigods and demigodesses of electronics, maybe check the feng shui of your environ before you start. Can’t hurt, might help. ;-)

  2. Rob Paterson says:

    Good luck DaveRob

  3. Dina Mehta says:

    Dave, I did the same last week – it was pretty smooth. Lawrence was a big help when i had a few minor hiccups. See you back soon !

  4. Bryan says:

    or you could make it database powered so you wouldn’t have to worry about that..

  5. Gav says:

    Good luck with it, and I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the kind words about my site. There’s a heck of a lot more info here though. Impressed!

  6. Dave Pollard says:

    Well, I’m back on the new machine. Now the scary part– booting up Userland and trying a test post. Here goes…

  7. Scott Young says:

    Glad to see your back. Thanks for the positive feedback for Lawrence. He works hard and does a great job. The kudos really make a difference. thanks again.

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