Monthly Archives: July 2006

Links for the Week – July 30, 2006 (The Complexity Edition)

Another week full of bad news you don’t need me to rehash here. In this week’s Magical Thinking exercise, Worldwatch Institute asks politicians and business to commit to a massive coordinated change program to stem global warming that they have … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 2 Comments

The Logic of Sufficiency

Thomas Princen’s The Logic of Sufficiency builds on the sustainable economics theory of Herman Daly, which I’ve written about before on these pages. In this book, sufficiency is suggested as the underlying organizing and decision-making principle for economic activities, replacing … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch | 6 Comments

Rufus & Quack — #2

Thanks again for the hundreds of comments and e-mails I’ve received over the last month. I’m sorry I just can’t respond individually, either in the comments or to e-mails right now, but please know that I do carefully read, save … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 6 Comments

The Intuitive Process: Emergent Understanding, Instinct, Imagination and Hypothesis

I‘ve always trusted my instincts, but I had no idea how much grief they have saved me, quietly guiding me behind the scenes in all my decision-making, until this disease hit me. It is quite possible that instincts that have … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 17 Comments

Comfort Music

Saturday night as I was driving home from our daughter’s house (about the only useful thing I’ve accomplished in the last week, thanks to the ulcerative colitis and the @&%^ drug that’s supposed to alleviate its symptoms) I was listening … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 4 Comments

Saturday Links for the Week — July 22, 2006

Two recent victims of Iraq death squads, via Reuters/Namir Noor-EldeenHow Not to Solve the Violence in the Middle East: A fascinating article in today’s NYT invites 7 ‘experts’ to suggest first steps to resolve the exploding violence in Lebanon. The … Continue reading

Posted in How the World Really Works | 2 Comments

Rufus & Quack

Artwork from public domain (clipart). Rufus & Quack’s thoughts by the author. BTW, Jeff, the human referred to in this strip, is not Dave. Dave loves his son-in-law.

Posted in Creative Works | 4 Comments

Self-Experimentation: This Time it’s Serious

Severe Ulcerative Colitis, the condition I have just been diagnosed as having, has no known cause and no known cure. Apparently, stress causes it to flare up, and once that’s happened, you’re stuck with it for the rest of your … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 31 Comments

What’s the Question, Again? Is That the Right Question?

Dominic over at idfuel has written a great article about the importance of knowing and keeping in mind what’s the question/ problem/ issue you’re trying to solve, before you start doing any work. We are so inclined to become enamoured … Continue reading

Posted in Working Smarter | 1 Comment

The Body as Complex System

(post deleted)

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 5 Comments