Monthly Archives: April 2010

Does Our Language Restrict What and How We Think?

photo of Pirahã tribeswoman from the New Yorker by Martin Schoeller My recent meditations have focused on my frustrations with the limitations of language, and specifically: How competently and easily wild creatures seem to be able to communicate, and understand, … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 11 Comments

Links and Tweets of the Month: April 24, 2010

Eyjafjallajökull’s show of fire, electricity and smoke towers over Iceland’s mountains. Thanks to Cheryl for the link. PREPARING FOR CIVILIZATION’S END The Importance of Not Getting It All Done: “The best answer to making our lives work the way we … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse Watch | 3 Comments

The Lifecycle of Emergence

Although I’m thoroughly disillusioned with most of the analytical models (like the classic 2×2 matrix) that consultants use to try to describe how things work, I remain fond of “flow” models that depict the dynamics or life-cycle of things. Unfortunately, … Continue reading

Posted in Working Smarter | 5 Comments

What We Care About, Not What We Believe, Drives What We Do

my meditation place, in the forest beside my new home on Bowen Island Tuesday is meditation day for me, and I have been thinking about something my meditation partner Melanie told me a couple of weeks ago. We had been … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 6 Comments

The Desolation of a Continent: Notes From a Road Trip (Part 1 of 2)

The original plan was to sell my car (’02 Honda Odyssey minivan) in Toronto, and to live car-free forever after. It turned out that there are so many cars on the market that what I was offered was less than … Continue reading

Posted in Creative Works | 7 Comments

Farewell Caledon

The Spring Peepers are back, and in full voice. Thousands of tiny frogs newly thawed from their winter hibernation, singing their hearts out for mates to carry on the species, as they have been doing in ponds like this one … Continue reading

Posted in Our Culture / Ourselves | 5 Comments