An Age Which Advances Progressively Backwards

image from piqsels, CC0

What have we to do
But stand with empty hands and palms turned upwards
In an age which advances progressively backwards?
— TS Eliot, “The Rock” (1934)

You can’t help but get a terrible sense of déjà vu watching the brutal physical, political and ideological suppression of anti-war, anti-genocide protests that have exploded on American campuses. At least if, like me, you remember the feelings of terror and outrage we felt in our anti-Vietnam War protests, and our environmental protests, back nearly 60 long years ago.

If you ever needed proof that the idea of “progress” is just a western industrial capitalist myth, you can see it in the increasing oppression of all opposition to the US-led Empire all over the world — in the Middle East, Central and South Asia, the Far East, Africa and Latin America, and of course “at home” in the media-abetted censorship, government propaganda, misinformation, and ruination by fear-mongering and character assassination of anyone even potentially in power who defies the Narrative of Progress and the inevitability of everlasting global victory by the Empire over all other political options.

We have learned nothing in that 60 years. We have made no “progress” according to any definition of the word except the increasing concentration of obscene wealth and power in fewer and fewer hands. We continue to make the same mistakes, over and over. We continue to deny and ignore the obvious unsustainability of our economic, political, financial and social systems and programs, and the horrific damage they have inflicted and continue to inflict on humans, the more-than-human world, and global ecosystems.

The ideologues continue to double-down on their doublespeak rhetoric, refusing to acknowledge the utter failure of both the public and private sphere to fulfil their sole and ultimate purpose: to serve the citizens of the world and make that world better for all its inhabitants. And we continue to block from public view the atrocities — in political back rooms, on the front lines of wars, in abusive private homes, on factory farms, in the streets filling with ever-more dazed and hopeless homeless people, in our brutal prisons, and in the overflowing and destitute refugee camps and concentration camps teeming with people deprived of even the basic decencies of life — that our “progress” has inflicted on the world.

What will it take? is the rhetorical question often asked about how we can end this age that “advances progressively backwards”. The answer, of course, is that we cannot end it. It is the collective conditioned behaviour of eight billion humans, inevitably headed for a rapid and ghastly collapse. There is no “soft landing” possible, unless you count landing on the broken backs of those in even more precarious situations than ours. There is no salvation waiting, and no possibility of escaping collapse in extravagant New Zealand bunkers, or on absurd spacecraft missions to Mars. We did our best, the only thing we could have done, and now we will pay the price for our excesses and our failures.

Perhaps it’s just nostalgic idealism that has me regretting that, despite all that we knew 60 years ago, and all our shouting from the rooftops about the atrocities of those, and today’s, times, we will be facing this grim future not one iota wiser or more skilled than we were all those years ago. We have learned nothing — these are the words that echo in my brain each night when I go to sleep.

It is not a feeling of dread — I look at the billions of people and trillions of non-human creatures already suffering from collapse, and the only thing I can think is “about time this horror falls apart and ends”.

It is not a feeling of shame — It’s not as if we had any choice in what we have done. And it is not even a feeling of grief — Grief is about loss, and those of us who are going to “lose” in collapse will only lose what we have gained at the enormous expense of others.

It is, perhaps, a feeling of sadness. Not a sadness that it could have been otherwise, but a sadness that it couldn’t have been otherwise. When Eliot wrote the words at the top of this post, the world was mired in an horrific Great Depression and was staring at the imminence of another World War. He saw, I would guess, the lack of “progress” in the world as a sign of human moral weakness, and perhaps he retreated, in his later years, into religion as a form of respite from that sadness.

He didn’t have the benefit of science and more recent history that might have caused him to feel a different sort of sadness: That it is not moral weakness that is the cause of our species’ downfall, but rather an evolutionary misstep that caused human creatures to be forever discontented with what we ‘have’, and always seeking to have more, seeking to find something that can fill the seeming hole, the incompleteness and the insatiable sense of insecurity, vulnerability and precarity of our self-preoccupied lives.

At least, this is the sadness that I feel. There was an inadvertent mistake in the factory that manufactured the ‘Human’ line of products, and unfortunately it’s not fixable. They will all have to be recalled and taken out of service.

It is, of course, for the best. With our ‘line’ out of commission, no longer doing the terrible damage it was, and is, doing due to its ‘unfit’ design, the rest of life on the planet will hopefully recover and flourish, given enough time. Perhaps the earlier that happens, as unpleasant as it will be for all concerned, the better. It’s sad to have to admit to such a colossal failure, especially when the product had such promise, but it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Happily, no other products subject to the same kind of problems are in the works.

Eliot’s poetic gesture — “empty hands and palms turned upwards” — would seem a gesture of resignation, of helplessness, or maybe an appeal to a higher power. Or maybe it is just a shrug, of acceptance.

Many years ago I suggested, rather arrogantly, the adoption of a different gesture of acknowledgement and recognition of other people who understand and accept, without blame, the inevitability of civilization’s collapse. That now strikes me as more than a bit elitist. I’d be content, I think, just to witness more and more people coming to understand and accept collapse, without blame — to be able to see everything that transpires from this context of everything inevitably falling apart, through no one’s fault.

That’s not stoicism, though, or anything approaching ‘grace’. It’s just perspective, really, with perhaps a suspension of reactivity, on the basis that, in the long run, none of it matters. It’s all just playing itself out the only way it could, and we’re just in the stands, barking helplessly. Maybe we can condition each other to bark less loudly, less aggressively, more with resigned sadness than annoyance and indignation and outrage at what cannot be helped or avoided.

I smile at myself, now, wondering if my writing might contribute, a bit, to this happening. It is impossible, it seems, for us to completely give up the idea of “progress”.

He says, barking apologetically.

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | 5 Comments

The Immanence of Everything

Tardigrade photo by Frank Fox at, from wikimedia CC-BY-SA 3.0

Recently I’ve been reading more of the work of Parul Sehgal, whose article laying out the dangers of stories inspired my last article on immanence, which is perhaps the best piece of writing I have ever done. Stories, she suggested, might be a distraction from (and impediment to) seeing the world as it really is.

I could obviously speculate on whether our stories are “all we are”, such that the ‘story of me’ is a ‘loud’ fiction that obscures and dumbs down our capacity to see things in all their complexity. Or that all stories, including the ‘story of me’ are lies and propaganda, describing what we want to believe happened (or is happening, or will happen), rather than what actually is happening (which can never be contained in a story). Or that immanence, the simple ‘being-ness’ of things without thoughts or stories or meaning-making about them, is what radical non-dualists are referring to when they say “All there is, is this.”

Parul’s follow-up is a critical attack on the modern prevalence of ‘trauma plots’ — novels, films and other stories (including some people’s summing up of their ‘life stories’) that attribute everything that happened to their characters to their traumatization. She ascribes this to lazy writing (and, I suppose, to the propensity of many in our bewilderingly complex world to want to hear stories that are simple and pat). Some have even described it as “trauma porn”.

That got me thinking about my recent use of this ‘cycle of trauma’ model.

Am I guilty of over-relying on this ‘simplistic’ model to explain too much modern human behaviour (the genocide in Palestine, for example)? It’s certainly possible. The more I learn about bonobos, the more I have to acknowledge that at least primates (ie not just humans) may have a natural inclination for brutal violence, and only bonobos have evolved devices to (mostly) keep this propensity in check. More about that, perhaps, in a future article.

Parul also wrote a review of another book that touches on human nature, our propensity for remembering, re-triggering and blaming others for profoundly negative (traumatizing?) events in our lives, and the potential value of forgetting these events (or our stories about them) when this is healthier for us than remembering — Lewis Hyde’s A Primer for Forgetting — which I am currently reading. Probably more to come on this subject in a future article as well.

Today, I’m thinking about what we are without our stories, and what the world simply, ‘really’ is, in the absence of our stories about it.

In his now-classic book The Spell of the Sensuous, phenomenologist David Abram provides some sensory meditative exercises of the “stand still and look until you really see” variety whose purpose might be described as focusing our attention on the immanence of the (‘natural’) world, the simple ‘being-ness’ of things without reference to our stories about them or trying to make sense of, or meaning from, them. As I wrote earlier, I liked the book but found his exercises unhelpful and somewhat annoying. But he makes an important point, I think, about what such exercises are trying to address:

Today the speaking self looks out at a purely ‘exterior’ nature from a purely ‘interior’ zone, presumably located somewhere inside the physical body or brain. Within alphabetic civilization, virtually every human psyche construes itself as just such an individual ‘interior’, a private mind or consciousness unrelated to the other minds that surround it, or to the environing earth. For there is no longer any common medium, no reciprocity, no respiration between the inside and the outside. There is no longer any flow between the self-reflexive domain of alphabetized awareness, and all that exceeds or subtends this determinate realm. Between consciousness and the unconscious. Between civilization and wilderness.

Like many philosophers and ‘gurus’, David takes for granted that the universe is conscious, and that what is required is to reconnect our consciousness with this larger, universal consciousness. I have, over the years, tried quite diligently many such programs and exercises, and found them pretty much completely useless, only to be told that I need to try harder, or longer (perhaps for a lifetime), or else that I must not be “doing it right”. The belief in some “larger consciousness” that can be attained or achieved is, alas, I think, just another story. And, as Parul has noted, when we find that a story we believed to be important and true is no longer credible, our usual response is “to cast about for another one.”

Having no desire for recognition as a philosopher or guru, I have no hesitation in suggesting that there actually is no way for humans to reconnect with the rest of life on earth, and truly ‘see’ that “all there is, is this… immanence“. So rather than suggesting exercises for reconnecting, I am content to describe some exercises that might give us some insight for why ‘we’ very smart creatures uniquely equipped with separate selves and an extraordinary capacity for abstract reasoning and imagining, cannot hope to see this immanence, while for all the less-intelligent creatures around us, it is blindingly obvious.

If they were capable and motivated to do so (which they aren’t), I suspect these ‘lesser’ creatures would be wondering: What the hell is the matter with these humans, that they can’t see what’s actually, obviously going on in the world?

One exercise I have explored is to challenge what we humans ‘see’ and ‘sense’ as real. We ‘see’ the sky as being unquestionably blue, for example. But birds see it as blue-violet, because they see a much wider and more finely differentiated spectrum than we do. Birds also see much broader and more complex rainbows, for the same reason. And because their eyes and brains process more ‘frames per second’ than humans’, they also ‘see’ a richness and clarity we can’t imagine.

In some languages, like Korean, they don’t distinguish blue and green as different colours. And in others, what is called ‘blue’ and ‘green’ varies enormously. In Japan, for example, they use the word for ‘blue’ to describe the colour of traffic lights and unripe fruit. The ancient Greeks had no word for the colour blue at all. And in Russian there are completely different words for what we call ‘light blue’ and ‘dark blue’.

Of course, the sky isn’t ‘really’ blue at all — that’s just a trick of light coming through our atmosphere and fooling our optical sensors. And the ocean isn’t ‘really’ blue either — though a completely different trick is at work in fooling our senses to see it as we do.

We humans are trapped by our labels and our propensity for trying to make logical sense of everything, and once we have labelled something, that’s how we see it and make sense of it. Other animals, I suspect, just see things as they appear to be, without the need to label or make sense of them. (That’s not to suggest their instincts won’t provoke a “yellow fast-moving thing -> tiger fight/flee/freeze response”, but rather that this instinct is faster, and not associated with the after-the-fact intellectual process of ‘making sense’ of that yellow thing.) So perhaps part of the reason we humans cannot see things just as they are, “immanently”, is that our labeling and sense-making create a veil between ‘us’ (this complicity that seemingly comprises ‘our’ bodies) and ‘everything else’.

Today I’ve been looking through my little $19 microscope. I looked at a green stripe on a box, only to discover it was an optical illusion — through the microscope, I see only tiny blue and yellow dots. I looked at my computer’s LCD screen at a photo of a rainbow, and discovered it, too, was an illusion — through the microscope there are only tiny squares of red, blue and green of varying degrees of darkness. And, of course, the rainbow is itself an illusion, of a different type entirely. Still, we are seemingly compelled to always try to ‘make sense’ of what we see, regardless of its illusory nature. I cannot ‘un-see’ the blue and yellow dots, yet still I label the stripe on the box ‘green’.

I looked at a tiny sample of murky water, soil and greenery from a nearby creek, and saw, at 120x their ‘real’ size, giant mountains of glistening crystals, forests of impenetrable and infinitely varied foliage, and all manner of living creatures, including the ubiquitous translucent tardigrades clawing their way through the watery jungle. With their tiny brains and single-celled ‘eyes’, what do ‘they’ see? ‘They’ consist of only about 1,000 cells, and yet are staggeringly adaptable to an almost infinite variety of environments.

They also reproduce in multiple ways, asexually (without fertilization), sexually (with fertilization, copulation lasting about an hour, with the two genders recognizing each other by scent), or as hermaphrodites (self-fertilizing). And they have an apparent propensity to ‘snuggle’ together for ‘reasons’ seemingly unrelated to reproduction, warmth, or protection.

It is easier to imagine them as a complicity of their cells, rather than a creature “all of a piece”, than it is to imagine myself as such a complicity. Its cells share information and coordinate actions to achieve — what purpose? For a creature that can devolve into a dormant ‘tun’ when conditions get difficult and ‘come back to life’ unharmed even decades later, a creature that doesn’t really ‘die’ but rather more ‘wears out’, its cells quickly repurposed into other creatures and environments, can we say that its (or their, if we think of it as a complicity of 1,000, a cooperation rather than ‘a’ creature) ‘purpose’ is to ‘survive’? Seems a stretch. To what extent are they ‘conditioned’, biologically and culturally, by their genes, environment and other creatures they encounter?

I think the truth is that there doesn’t have to be a reason or purpose for them and their lives — or for ours. They just are. They don’t have stories, or need them. What are they without their stories? Freakin’ amazing!

Each of the tardigrade’s 1,000 cells is comprised of, conservatively, 50 billion atoms (human cells each have, on average, 100 trillion atoms). By what Stephen J Gould calls a ‘random walk’, over a billion years, all of these 50 trillion atoms that we collectively label as one tiny tardigrade self-organized into this rather adorable clumsy water-bear. And that’s what I’m looking at now — not one microscopic creature, but a performance with 50 trillion players, just being what they are and doing what they do. Apparently. I say apparently because we can only guess. We cannot possibly ever know. And our insistence on making sense, on understanding, on knowing, is, I would suggest, the veil that separates ‘us’, or at least our human ‘selves’, from everything that simply is, for no reason. The veil that separates our selves from the simple immanence of everything.

What are we without our stories? Not ‘individuals’, that’s for sure. Not things with a purpose or a meaning. Not things in ‘control’ of anything. If tardigrades (and the megacities of differentiated and unceasing activity that we claim and label as ‘our’ bodies) are just freakin’ amazing without their stories, I would assert that ‘we’, human ‘selves’, are nothing without our stories. ‘We’ are our stories, made-up fictions we choose to believe to be real, and nothing more.

Can ‘we’ get at least a brief sense of the immanence of everything by recognizing and ‘seeing around’ the artificiality and misconception of our selves and our stories? Absolutely impossible, I would say. ‘We’ cannot ‘see’ the immanence of everything any more than a map can ‘be’ the territory it presumes to represent. Even worse, just as the territory doesn’t ‘need’ a map to represent it, the immanence of everything doesn’t ‘need’ a ‘self’ to represent it, or for it to (apparently) function perfectly well. No ‘consciousness’, either ‘personal’ or ‘universal’, is required, or even useful. ‘We’ can only ever be ‘conscious’ of our stories, which are mere, absurdly simplified representations of ‘parts’ of the (actually inseparable) immanence of everything. The ‘subjects’ and  ‘objects’ of ‘our’ consciousness are just stories ‘we’ invent to represent (badly) ‘parts’ of this immanence.

You probably knew better than to hope that I would give you some exercise that might enable you to see or at least imagine the immanence of everything beyond the obscuring veil of our selves. The best I can do is suggest, rather inarticulately, why this is impossible to do. Our selves, our ‘consciousness’, our stories, are the prison from which ‘we’ cannot ever escape. Or at least not escape alive. It is freedom from our selves, which is the death of our selves, that we both seek and fear. Because what would we be without our selves? ‘We’ would not be. All that would be left is the immanence of everything. It would be seen, but not by ‘us’.

Apparently. Aye, there’s the rub. Even worse than the loss of our selves would be the loss of what our selves imagine and believe to be ‘reality’ — the assurance that things are real and solid and substantial and enduring in time. But the immanence of everything does not require anything to be real or solid or substantial or enduring. It does not require anything, period. It just is.

The little tardigrade in the image above doesn’t have to ‘really’ exist. Nor do its apparent 1,000 cells or 50 trillion atoms. They don’t ‘have’ to be ‘really’ moving through ‘real’ time and ‘real’ space. The immanence of everything has no specifications, no requirements.

Yeah, I know — this is not at all convincing. ‘I’ my ‘self’ cannot ‘believe’ it.

But it just might possibly be true.

PS: If you want to see tardigrades:

  1. Buy an inexpensive microscope capable of 100x magnification.
  2. Collect some moss or lichen from a nearby pond, riverbank, tree or roof and moisten and prepare it for best viewing. 
  3. Find a comfortable viewing position and be patient — it’s worth multiple tries, and worth the wait.
Posted in How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves | 2 Comments

No Possibilities and No Distance

Apologies — another long meandering contemplation of the message of radical non-duality.

photo by Laitche at wikimedia, CC-BY-SA 4.0. Taken at Daisen Park, Osaka, Japan

My “distinctive competency”, I have often been told, is imagining possibilities. This is considered to be a great gift, and it is also kind of fun, if you’re practiced enough to get good at it. It’s one that my work clients were more than prepared to pay for, and it’s still valued in my volunteer work. I seem to be able to come up with ideas, options, and strategies that no one else has thought of.

So I’m intrigued by the assertion of radical non-duality speakers that there are no possibilities. They say it is obvious ‘there’, when the sense of self and separation have been apparently lost, that there is no time, no causality, and no space. All there is, is what is apparently happening — ‘already’, always ‘new’, and for no reason.

It’s not, Tim Cliss has said, that there are no other possibilities than what is (apparently) happening — there are no possibilities at all. Possibility implies something other than what is, when all there is, is what is. And there is no time in which (other, or any) possibilities could have arisen in the past, or could be (apparently) happening ‘right now’, or could (apparently, possibly) happen in the future. There is no past and no future. And — sorry, Eckhart Tolle fans — there is no ‘now’ either.

Someone points at a wall and asks Tim ‘where’ that wall is and how ‘far away’ it is. He responds that it appears to be ‘there’ and appears to be ‘a few steps away’, but that is only an appearance. There is no ‘there’, and there is no ‘here’. There is no distance. There is no more ‘a few steps away’ than there is ‘a few hours ago’. All of these are just appearances, without substance, without meaning, without importance. You could say they are constructs of the brain (that, after all, is how I try to make sense of this non-sense), but then there is no real brain either to construct anything, and no time in which to construct anything.

When I first heard this message, I thought it ridiculous, because it seemed to me that without these things being ‘real’, no one and nothing could function. But now I appreciate (at least intellectually and intuitively) that nothing is required (least of all a ‘conscious’ separate ‘self’) in order for creatures (including humans) to (apparently) function perfectly well. When the sense of a separate self is ‘lost’, its absence is not even noticed, and nothing changes. When there is only what is, and has only ‘ever’ been what is, and can/could only ever be what is, there is absolutely no point or value in imagining possibilities.

If an interesting idea is apparently conjured up in Dave’s apparent brain, then that is the only thing that could have (apparently) happened. And if it is acted upon, or not, that is also the only thing that could have (apparently) happened. The story of ‘how’ it all happened can be plausible or compelling, but it is only a story. Only a ‘making sense’, when nothing has to make sense.

As much as I pride myself on my capacity to imagine, I cannot imagine this. It is like trying to imagine the thirteen dimensions of some preposterous string theory. So I do what I always (apparently) do when I am trying to imagine something difficult: I create an exercise to imagine a part of it, in small steps, to try to ‘get closer’ to imagining it. I try to build a crag across the chasm.

So, for example, I have often tried to imagine what it might be like to be a bird. I make observations, develop hypotheses (another name for ‘imagined possibilities’), and test them. I watch a crow as it drops a pebble from its beak, and then swoops down and catches it. It does this over and over. There seems to be no other crow observing, so it doesn’t seem to be a showing-off behaviour. The most obvious hypothesis is that the crow has been biologically and/or culturally conditioned to get a dopamine rush (ie ‘fun’) from this behaviour, or more precisely from the anticipation of ‘successfully’ catching the pebble.

But that tells me nothing about what it is like to ‘be’ a crow. If dopamine is driving ‘its’ behaviour, does that mean there must be an ‘it’ — a crow, a distinct, individual creature, that ‘feels’ the dopamine rush? When ‘I’ get a rush of dopamine, there is no need for ‘me’ to rationalize that ‘I’ am feeling exhilarated as a result of this chemical flooding parts of my brain. There is just this conditioning to repeat the behaviour that produced the pleasure. There is no need even for a ‘me’: Next time this mass of tiny creatures comprising this (apparent) body is in the proximity of whatever produced that pleasure, the behaviour will be repeated, prompted by the dopamine rush. Just now, it was raspberries and tea that generated it. ‘I’ had no say in the behaviour.

That ‘conditioning’ argument makes sense to me — it’s a good ‘story’ — but even this explanation gets me nowhere. It still tells me nothing about what it is ‘like’ to be me, or a crow, or an (apparent) person like Tim who purports to have no sense of self or separation and for ‘whom’ it is ‘obvious’ that there is no Tim, no me, no crow, no body, no brain, no dopamine, no time, nothing causally connected, no possibilities (including the possibility of anticipating anything), no distance between (apparent) things, and nothing ‘really’ happening.

I cannot imagine this. I cannot imagine the absence of ‘me’, let alone what it might be like to ‘be’ a crow or another (apparent) person or creature. Or, really, anything other than a ‘me’.

There is nothing quite so annoying as sensing that something is probably true, but not being able to imagine it. I could watch a hundred of Tim’s videos, and find what is being said more and more compelling, and that would get me no closer to imagining it. This drives the ‘expert imaginer’ in me mildly crazy.

One of the expressions another of the radical non-duality speakers, Kenneth Madden, uses in articulating the message is “the closed loop of me”. Everything about the self, including the abstract languages the self has invented to articulate and make sense of its conceptions, is of necessity self-referential. Without the ‘reality’ of the self, nothing that anyone says in the course of conversation is comprehensible. The truth of the existence of separate selves is a fundamental premise of our language — nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs must of necessity refer to things and actions ‘we’ agree to be real and separate, or we cannot have a conversation.

This is the “closed loop of me”. There is no escaping it. You cannot ‘meaningfully’ use words, or think thoughts, without the presupposition of the reality of your self. Outside the loop, nothing can make sense — and nothing can be imagined. Even our science fiction assumes that life, of necessity, must be self-conscious, that everything happens to individual, conscious, separate selves (even the Borg), and that ‘advanced’ life must use abstract language to communicate with other individual, conscious, separate selves. We cannot imagine otherwise from within the loop.

And ‘if’ or ‘when’ that loop suddenly disappears, there is (evidently) no need, and no point, to imagining anything. There are no possibilities ‘left’ to imagine. There is only what (apparently) is. This is not ‘enlightened’, or any kind of state, or a product of learning or knowing, or blissful. (In fact many of the radical non-duality speakers assert that the loss of the sense of having a self was initially terrifying.) All that is ‘left’ is just what ‘already’ is, without a ‘you’ trying to make sense of it.

‘I’ can certainly rationalize this as possible. There is lots of science, now, that supports what this message says — the absence of free will, the absence of anything real or substantial that could be called a ‘self’, the fact that scientific theories work perfectly well without the need for something called ‘time’, the thorough explanation of apparent behaviours by reference to conditioning and the chemical actions of the complicity of creatures we collectively call ‘our’ body. I can ‘make sense’ of this seemingly impossible and outrageous message.

But ‘I’ cannot imagine it. Nothing can imagine its own absence, especially when that absence changes nothing.

‘I’ can kind of imagine myself as being nothing more than this brain’s conceptual explanation for what is. I can kind of imagine that human brains could have evolved to invent the concept of the self and separation to ‘make sense’ of the electrical signals that the sensations reaching ‘my’ body were sending it.

But tell me that there are no brains, no bodies (and no trillions of tiny creatures constituting them), no evolution, no conditioning, no one and no thing separate, no time or causality, and no space in which anything can ‘really’ happen, then I am left hanging, back to square one, with nothing to hold on to. I can accept, and be fascinated, that this is what, to (the apparent) speakers about radical non-duality, is completely and unquestionably obvious. They have no reason to make this up. They are not selling anything or teaching anything. It is not a theory, a hypothesis, a state, an experience, or a belief. It is just obvious. To no one.

But, although I’m damned good at imagining possibilities, I can’t even begin to imagine what they’re talking about. Yet, eight years after first hearing this message, I can’t shake the powerful intuitive sense that they’re telling the truth. It’s completely exasperating.

And yet… there were the glimpses. Maybe a dozen, starting in early childhood, with the latest (apparently) seven years ago. ‘I’ was not there when these glimpses seemingly occurred. No one was there. The utter falsity of everything I believed about reality, and the simple truth of there being no one, no self, nothing separate, was simply obvious. “How can I not have seen this?” are the only words I can recall thinking ‘during’ the glimpses. And while the sheer obviousness of everything was stunning in those ‘moments’, it was equally clear that this — just what is — wasn’t ‘going anywhere’. There was no need to grasp on to it, for fear of losing or forgetting this astonishing realization. It had always been there, just ‘waiting’ to be seen. By no one.

I could never have imagined this. I cannot imagine it now. It’s there, always. But ‘I’ am not, and cannot be. ‘I’ am a fiction, not just in the sense of presuming to be in control of this apparent body I feel like I am inside, when there is no ‘me’, just a trillion creatures doing the only thing they can do (though only apparently).

And ‘I’ am also a fiction in the sense that even these trillion apparent creatures seemingly comprising this apparent body, apparently moving in space and time, are not actually real either. What does it mean for something to be an ‘appearance’ that is neither real nor unreal, as the radical non-duality speakers try, knowing it’s hopeless, to explain? It sounds like they are being deliberately deceptive or mystical, and to ‘me’, that’s really annoying. Nothing has substance, or solidity, they add. Big help that is. Sure as hell feels solid to ‘me’. But ‘during’ the glimpses, there was nothing solid or separate, least of all a ‘me’.

My endless fascination with this conundrum probably sounds, to many, like some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. “Park it, Dave”, I have been told on more than one occasion, “and get on with your life”. Is it my conditioning driving me to obsess about this completely useless message? Or is there some resonance, something about it that somehow permeates the “closed loop of me”, calling me out?

I have no idea. I couldn’t possibly imagine.

Posted in Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will | 7 Comments

It’s All Chemistry, Isn’t It?

This is #29 in a series of month-end reflections on the state of the world, and other things that come to mind, as I walk, hike, and explore in my local community.

Chart above is my own invention, having studied the various chemicals that scientists believe are involved in feelings of intense love.
The title of this post is a quote attributed to Jimi Hendrix, when he was asked in an interview to explain the special chemistry he had with his audiences.

It’s impossible not to look at them. They are possessed, so utterly consumed by the flood of chemicals feeding off each other that they are oblivious to everyone else in the café. Their feral passion for each other is at once riveting and disconcerting. A man noticing their antics looks disapprovingly. A woman looks at them with a torn expression, a mixture of what might be dismay and (perhaps nostalgic) envy…

… But I’m getting way ahead of myself. Back to this couple in a moment.

This body has taken me for a walk, today, to the nearby lake. It’s a rare sunny spring day here on the temperate rainforest coast, and there are lots of people about.

Recently I’ve been reading a lot about bonobos and chimps, our cousins from which we separated evolutionarily about six million years ago, and with whom we still share almost 99% of our DNA. As Robert Sapolsky discovered with his suddenly-matriarchal and peaceful baboon troupe, the rather extraordinary differences in behaviour between chimps and bonobos in the wild (most people can’t tell them apart) are not biologically, but culturally conditioned. Chimps and gorillas evolved on the north side of the Congo river; bonobos on the south side. The river was too wide for the species to cross. The chimps, having to compete with gorillas and other species for food and resources, evolved high-stress scarcity behaviours — notably rigid, often violent, xenophobic, highly-competitive patriarchies, where murder and infanticide are common.

Bonobos, blessed to have no significant competition for their food and resources for millions of years, evolved and continue to exhibit low-stress abundance behaviours — matriarchies* based on trust and sharing, welcoming strangers, and discharging any brief stresses through ubiquitous and frequent sexual and grooming activity, in healthy social communities where murder and infanticide have never been observed.

Our species, it seems, was raised on the wrong side of the evolutionary river, and so most of our behaviours would seem to resemble far more the behaviours of chimps than of bonobos. But what is endlessly fascinating to me, as I now watch the small groups of seemingly-biophilial hominin creatures we call ‘humans’ playing beside, and wandering around, the lake, is the idea that the entire difference between our three species is accounted for by cultural conditioning in the context of very different (scarcity vs abundance) environments. Were it not for differences in those environments, and the cultural conditioning we have subjected each other to as a result of adapting to those environments, we, the humans, the bonobos, and the chimps, would likely be indistinguishable.

Chimps are, in fact, more or less just bonobos acculturated to living with scarcity. And humans are really just hairless bonobos likewise acculturated to living with scarcity. The physical differences in appearance (including our brain structures and body chemistry) are evolutionary adaptations to our environments and the stresses that those environments produce. In essence, in the grand scheme of things, we are the same creature.

So as I sit on the bench by the lake smiling and nodding at these strangely-attired fellow hominim creatures, I cannot help now but see them, and myself, as just hairless bonobos who got an evolutionary bad break in our early history, in the geographies of stress and scarcity where we emerged, and have adapted our behaviours accordingly, aggressively, tragically, the only way we possibly could have.

We are, underneath the trappings of civilization culture and its adaptations and adornments, wild creatures. Thanks to a process we call self-domestication, we have conditioned each other to create our own prisons (with unlocked doors that we voluntarily return to each day after ‘work’), and our own CAFOs — “concentrated animal feeding operations” (though we call the ones for humans ‘cities’) — to confine ourselves in. We have done this with the best of intentions, and perhaps prevented the mass murder and mayhem that would inevitably result if eight billion of us were not so strictly repressed and conditioned. Everything is falling apart, but damn we were able to hold it all together, incongruously and astonishingly, for a remarkably long time.

Or, rather, ‘we’ didn’t hold it all together. It is our evolving conditioning, directed by ‘our’ body chemistry, that has produced the terrible wonder of our civilization. Just trillions of chemical responses to sensations and stresses compelling the complicity of creatures that comprise each of what we call ‘our bodies’ to do what they do. Kind of amazing when you think of it. But then, nature has had billions of years to get this process working the way it does.

Yesterday, in the café, I witnessed the behaviour of two creatures of our species briefly released from the constraints of civilization culture’s conditioning. As described at the top of this post, these two bodies, which I am guessing had been around in their current form for about twenty years, were engaged in a primitive, ancient, mating dance. As they looked at each other, you could almost see the continuous oxytocin loop that they were reinforcing, and conditioning, in each other. Although they were speaking English (not that common an occurrence in my neighbourhood café), the words they were saying really didn’t matter. It was the extraordinary tone of their communication — high-pitched, breath-y, almost gurgling — that was important, doing the work of drawing each other in.

I was immediately reminded of my own behaviours in past moments of falling in love with someone new. The powerful cocktail of self-generated chemicals, shown in the diagram above, basically blew away my inhibitions, my fears, and my entire sense of self. It was only afterwards, in the hours or days after I first fell hopelessly in love, when my ‘self’ rushed back in, and all the feelings of anxiety and jealousy and doubt and shame arose. I would submit, now, that these ‘negative’ emotions are uniquely human, a consequence of the terrifying sense of having a separate self that must look after itself and look after others and be responsible and be ‘in control’. Kind of spoils the whole moment in a hurry! This is, I think, what happens in the transition from ‘falling in love’ with someone to simply loving that person. A very different set of chemicals is involved.

Speakers about radical non-duality assert that this ache for the ‘love of another person’ is actually a need, a desire to fill a sense of incompleteness and emptiness that arises when the separate self is first conceived. Without the sense of a separate self (and there is some evidence that even bonobos and chimps lack this sense, and are none the worse for lacking it) I suspect that none of the anxiety and jealousy** and doubt and shame that so often fall quickly on the heels of the mind-blowing positive feeling of ‘falling in love’, could arise. Falling in love requires no thinking at all; loving someone anxiously or jealously, I would argue, entails unhealthy overthinking, a ‘scarcity’ behaviour that is based on conditioned beliefs that there is never enough love and caring to go around.

Of course, the intensity of falling in love diminishes over time, as nature and evolution ensure that the prospective new parents cease being helplessly moony and start preparing to look after the offspring. Nature does this by changing the mix of chemicals the couple’s mutual presence provokes (shown on the right side of the diagram above).

As I (as discreetly as possible) watched, and tried not to watch, the young couple in love, I realized, somewhat uncomfortably, that the young woman’s body language, eye gestures, and voice tone were affecting me. This was not just me feeling guilty for being voyeuristic. I could actually sense changes in my own body chemistry. I could rationalize all I wanted that her attentions were not directed at me, and that any ‘response’ from me was completely inappropriate, if not absurd and a little creepy. But my body was doing its thing — I was just along, helplessly, for the ride.

And then another thought occurred to me: The young man‘s body language, eye gestures, and voice tone were also affecting me. This of course made no ‘sense’ to me. Yet my body’s reactions to his actions were just as positive as its reactions to the woman’s. I would bet that if someone were to have taken a blood sample right at that moment, it would have shown elevated levels of several of the chemicals in the chart above. Like it or not, ‘we’ are constantly and continuously conditioning each other.

I looked around at the man and the woman who had clearly noticed the young couple’s behaviour. They were both looking away. I wondered what a test of the chemicals in their blood at that moment might have revealed.

We’re just hairless bonobos, all of us, conditioned to be, and at the same time conditioned to deny and suppress, what we are, I thought as I bussed my table and, laughing at myself, left the café. “It’s all chemistry, isn’t it?”


The behaviour of the humans in the park today seems much more bonobo-like than chimp-like to me, and I wonder whether, despite living in a world of stress and scarcity, and being afflicted with the dis-ease of a sense of self and separation, we aren’t nevertheless a lot more like the bonobos than one might imagine.

I watch as a mother talks with her baby as she sits on the bench looking at the ducks. The same oxytocin loop is evident in their eye-contact and their ‘gurglings’ that I observed with the couple in the café. The mere tone of her chattering to the baby, I suddenly realize, is calming me, though I’m standing too far away to either hear the words or be infected by whatever chemicals her body is giving off.

A few minutes later I watch a couple stoop down to pet an adorable looking little dog. I’m looking at the canis-hominin eye-contact, and, sure enough, there is seemingly a lot of it, though the woman is more focused in her attention. Recent research suggests that dogs and human women also exhibit oxytocin-loop chemical changes when they interact, while with men, there are no such changes. The same research suggests that domesticated dogs evolved to retain and enhance puppy-like juvenile physical features and behaviours throughout their lives (including more white sclera, that I mentioned in last month’s meandering post), possibly to ingratiate themselves into human societies.

This was the dogs’ own evolutionary self-adaptation, and not the result of selective breeding: A long-term study was able to reproduce this evolutionary change in wild foxes over many generations — wild foxes that were shown a lot of human affection in puppyhood actually evolved and retained more puppy-like physical features than a ‘control’ group of wild foxes raised in exactly the same circumstances (a fur farm) but without affectionate handling by humans. Who’s domesticating whom here?

As I make my way around the lake, I slow to watch two older women sitting on one of the lakeside benches. Again, I notice some concentrated eye-contact between them. They might be related, by birth or by marriage (including marriage to each other). What I notice between them, however, is something intangible, something that resonated with the videos I watched of bonobo females (though I confess this is entirely conjecture and might be completely wrong): I detect a sense of unconditional trust between them. Perhaps this stands out because I so rarely see that, even from married couples I know. I wonder if our high-stress, chronic-scarcity civilization culture has conditioned us to trust no one unconditionally, even those we presume to love.

I remember the look on the young woman’s face in the café the day before, rapt in the chemistry of love. It’s not that she trusted the young man she had fallen for; it’s that, thanks perhaps to the chemical cocktail she was drowning in, she had a brief respite from having to trust or to distrust — perhaps, just as in wild creatures, there was a precious moment when she ‘was not her self’, so there was only the feeling, and no ‘one’ ‘there’ to have the feeling. I hope so. A world where no one can be trusted unconditionally must be particularly stressful, even terrifying, for most women. I wish it were otherwise.

So what’s going on with all these encounters? Just trillions of tiny creatures — cells, molecules, organs and tissues — each doing their own infinitesimally small, infinitesimally important thing, chemically interacting with all the other creatures, appearing to be a collective, integral, entity (a ‘body’ with a ‘self’), but actually not — none of the tiny creatures is ‘in control’ of the entity — human, bonobo, dog, or duck. Their concerted and complicit efforts produce what only appears to be a centrally-controlled, rationalizable action by the entire entity. In reality, there is no entity.

It’s all just chemistry.

* People often ask primatologists how the bonobos could evolve into a matriarchy. The answer, it seems, comes down to the fact that, absent unwanted sexual violence, it is the bonobo females who choose who they breed with, and their choice is usually strong but gentle males. So over time, aggressiveness in bonobo males was selected out of the gene pool. Still, aggressiveness in adolescent bonobo males is common, but it is quickly (and sometimes violently) ‘put down’ by groups of adult bonobo females; culturally conditioned, the young males quickly learn to behave, and to defer to the matriarchy. There are some remaining unanswered questions though: Why do adult bonobo females, unusually, have higher testosterone levels than males? And why, despite the astonishing frequency of sexual activity among them, do bonobos have rates of reproduction just sufficient to keep their numbers steady and in balance with the rest of life in their ecosystems?

** While of course any animal can be conditioned to feel fear and rage, and can be traumatized, I’m ambivalent about whether animals other than humans feel emotions like jealousy that necessarily entail judgements about ‘oneself’ vis-à-vis another ‘individual’. It’s possible that when bonobos and dogs appear to resent affection shown to another of their species, this is just an instinctive reaction to a perceived scarcity of something valuable. There is some evidence that non-human animals do not have (or need) the concept of themselves or ‘others’ as separate ‘individuals’. So while they may well fight over a scarce resource, they don’t ‘hate’ or feel ‘jealous’ the way we do, where that negative feeling is directed at some ‘other’ who is judged to have, perhaps ‘deliberately’, threatened us in some way. In fact, bonobos are polyamorous and exceedingly generous, instinctively sharing what they have, even with ‘strangers’, in situations of abundance. The link between the emergence of a sense of self and separation, and environments of chronic stress and scarcity, is certainly a complex one.

Posted in How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Month-End Reflections, Our Culture / Ourselves | 1 Comment

Your Ikigai: A Self-Awareness Compass?

my synopsis of the some of the elements that might comprise one’s Ikigai; any misunderstandings about ikigai here are mine

For those unfamiliar with the ancient Japanese concept and philosophy of ikigai, it is about the lifelong discovery, appreciation and acceptance of who you really are, now, authentically, as gauged by what gives you joy, what you care about, and what is in your true nature.

(Contrary to some business consultants’ perverse and simplistic misappropriation of the concept, ikigai has absolutely nothing to do with “the work you’re meant to do”, or “finding your purpose”, or in fact about anything aspirational.)

The diagram above is my attempt to capture the various aspects of ikigai. It is different, and evolving, for each of us. Mine, for example, currently encompasses the following:

  1. listening to my favourite music (these days, mostly ‘world’ music), and discovering new music
  2. indulging in hedonistic pleasures (eg hot baths by candlelight; Ayurvedic massage)
  3. just being in a state of equanimity, curiosity, and discovery, anywhere (eg at the local café or lake, enjoying the view from my apartment, or on warm ocean beaches and in tropical rainforests and elsewhere in the natural world)
  4. watching/listening to clever humour and theatre
  5. non-competitive play (eg board games, flirtations, clever exchanges, challenging puzzles, pick-up sports where no one keeps score, and collaborative creative activities)
  6. exploring new ideas, discoveries and learnings with gentle, joyful, exceptionally bright/perceptive people, close friends, and my ‘blog community’
  7. reading and writing in order to learn new things — these days particularly about (our lack of) free will, the (illusory) self, and what has been called ‘radical non-duality
  8. writing short stories, poetry, music, and other creative works

I am immensely fortunate and grateful to have been able to retire from paid work while still in good health, so I get to spend a fair bit of each day doing these things. I’ve never been particularly ambitious or industrious, so doing these things isn’t about accomplishment or creating a ‘legacy’; it’s just about maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain.

So why should we try to ascertain what our personal ikigai is? Why should we care? I think of it as kind of like a compass: While I don’t believe we have free will or control over what ‘we’ do, I find it comforting to have achieved (just) enough self-awareness to appreciate what my conditioning has predisposed ‘me’ to do, and not to do. So when this body, and its brain, does its thing, ‘I’ am less likely to be (unpleasantly) surprised. I can kind of laugh at this strange creature whose body I presume to inhabit, as it does whatever its conditioning has compelled it to do, even when ‘I’ am rather chagrined by its actions.

I acknowledge that ‘I’ (my self) am really just a witness and observer trying (usually foolishly and pointlessly) to make sense of everything, and ‘I’ (caught up as I am in the closed loop of ‘me’) can never hope to know or understand what is really happening.

But if life is just a show that we’re watching, helplessly, from the stands, somehow it helps to have a rough ‘theatre program’ to provide a bit of perspective about the performance we’re witnessing. And that’s what I get from identifying and tracking my ikigai.

My ikigai is not aspirational — it’s not about hopes and dreams and ‘shoulds’. It’s just an honest list of what (voluntarily) gets me up in the morning — what pleasures I find and enjoy in life, right here and now, and by implications what pains I am avoiding by not doing other things. Even if I can never know where I’m going or why I’m doing what I’m doing (our conditioning is more complex than we can ever know), it’s useful, I think, when I find ‘myself’ doing something, do be able to say “Aha, this thing I’m doing is (or isn’t) on my ikigai list. This is where I am, now, on this ‘map’ of ‘what the character called Dave does’ “. There’s a certain contentment that comes, I think, with this degree of apparent self-awareness.

At one point recently, I found myself (unusually) unhappy, and couldn’t put my finger on it. Part of it was some uncontrollable stress (which generally triggers me), but I realized that another part of it was not spending my usual amount of time doing things on my ikigai list. I actually have a colour code on my calendar to denote fun, ‘ikigai’ activities, and that colour was decidedly absent from my March and early April calendars. It didn’t change anything about what I was doing (that’s all the result of my conditioning), but it did make me self-aware that I was not doing many of the things that usually bring me joy. And somehow, that self-awareness seems to make a difference.

Self-awareness is kind of paradoxical, especially when, like me, you acknowledge your self as illusory, as a phantom, a mere mental construct. But, to use a very imperfect metaphor, I suppose if you’re going to be haunted by a ghost, it probably helps to at least know where it is and what it’s doing. The paradox is that you’re only going to become (more) self-aware if your conditioning enables and compels you to do so. That’s how the closed loop of ‘me’ works. For most, I suspect, there will just be the haunting.

I do like the idea of conceiving of the self as a witness, an observer, rather than as just a disease of our bewildered and entangled human brains. But it’s still mind-boggling to contemplate that that witness, that observer, is not only illusory, completely helpless, and in control of absolutely nothing, but that its existence is completely unnecessary to the healthy functionality of this rather funny-looking creature it has always presumed to inhabit.

Having a list of my ikigai has also provided me with some insights about some of the things ‘I’ can’t control: My desires, my fears and phobias, my addictions, my aversion to stress and conflict, and my seeming misanthropy. Radical non-duality speaker Tony Parsons, describing people’s use of religion, spirituality, therapy, meditation, power, money and other means to cope with the trauma, suffering, sense of emptiness, and/or unhappiness in their lives, says this is perfectly understandable, because these things can “make the prison of the self more comfortable — at least for a while”. Perhaps that is how this self, at least, employs its ikigai. Spending as much of my life doing these things as possible has made me a very happy person, most of the time.

One of the things that self-awareness has brought me is an understanding of my apparent lack of need for a lot of social activity. My ikigai list above is, after all, mostly solitary pursuits. Some people have described this lack of social contact, especially the absence of intense, personal relationships in my life, as unhealthy and perhaps dissociative. I have no idea. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. I used to fall in love way too easily, and that no longer happens (not recently anyway). I like people’s company, and avoid situations where I’m isolated, but feel no great need for conversation or emotional connection. That seemingly would never work for most people I know, but it seems to work fine for me.

And my ikigai list also has no ‘bucket list’ of extraordinary adventures, or even travel to interesting places, or parties, or celebrations. I love being in warm tropical places — they just feel like ‘home’ to this body — but the stress of travel to get there and get organized keeps them off my list. As a result it’s an unambitious list, and one that I’m sure a lot of people would find boring. Not me.

While I still employ my blog for its longstanding purpose of “chronicling civilization’s collapse”, I no longer find that kind of research and writing enjoyable, if I ever really did. So it’s not on my ikigai list. I always had a passion for knowing things, for being ahead of the crowd in understanding how the world works. Somewhere that passion died. It gives me no pleasure to know that I was writing about economic and ecological collapse 20 years ago when such writing was mostly considered crazy, and now it’s quite mainstream. I’ve never felt it important to be ‘right’. I study things just because I enjoy learning. During my long bouts of depression in my younger years, learning new things was my primary coping mechanism.

During my work life, my customers brought to my attention that my unique gift, the thing I brought to work assignments that those customers most valued, was my capacity to ‘imagine possibilities’ — ideas, inventions, applications of some activity (often from nature, biomimicry) that might be used in an entirely different way in some entirely different activity. I suspect that arose partly because I have always been fascinated with broad rather than deep learning, so I read up on a lot of very different subjects, and, as a somewhat solitary child, my imagination got an exceptional workout. I still think I am quite competent at doing this, and I apply it in some of my volunteer work, and indirectly at least in some of the activities on my ikigai list. But for some reason it’s not nearly as important as it once was. My recent conditioning has prompted me to try to pay attention more, and perhaps that requires to me imagine less. But competence really is all about practice — I’m still lousy at paying attention, and still good at imagining possibilities no one else seems able to come up with.

I also wonder what happens when, as Robert Sapolsky has explained, some of our naturally, biologically conditioned preferences cross the line into what can be called addictions — we need more and more, sometimes to an unhealthy degree, to get the same pleasure from them. Some of the things on my ikigai list might just be addictions. It’s an issue that clearly concerns Robert, and I share his concern.

All of which is to say, in my usual long-winded and tangent-prone way, that I have found compiling, updating and referring to my ikigai list a fascinating and self-illuminating process.

What intrigues me is that, when I talk to people about their joys and ‘passions’, most people admit that they’ve never really thought about it. In some cases, they will assert that they think such an exercise would be just a waste of time (for various reasons). But more often, to my surprise, I discover that they wouldn’t even know where to begin to identify them. Even when I’ve given them some of the prompts in the graphic at the top of this post, it is clear they’ve never thought about the subject. Nothing wrong with that of course — it’s just so different from how I am.

I’ve read about other people’s ikigai lists (usually shorter than mine) and find them almost as interesting as maintaining my own. Should you have your own list, and would be open to sharing it by email or zoom, I’d love to hear it and will keep it confidential. Not curious why anything is on anyone’s list, but rather just the fact that it is.

These days, when I meet new people, I no longer ask them what they do for a living, or about their family life, but instead gently try to discover what they really care about. Asking them about their ikigai might just be a graceful way to start that conversation.

Posted in How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves | 4 Comments

Childhood: Conditioned to Pretend to Know

 New Yorker cartoon by the late Charles Barsotti
When I was a young child, I would look at my parents and other adults interacting with each other, with a mixture of bewilderment and amazement. “Surely”, I thought to myself, “they don’t really believe what they’re saying. It must be like an act, like the adult form of playing — they’re just pretending to know what they’re talking about, ‘playing’ at being adults.”

I was always a ‘slow learner’. I didn’t mimic adults’ behaviour like a lot of kids. I had been conditioned to try to understand what was going on, and why it was happening, before emulating anyone. And I was conditioned to always speak the truth, no matter what, which meant waiting until I thought I had some idea of what the truth in a particular situation really was. In many situations I never did have any idea what the truth was, so my conditioning drove me to stay open and assert no opinion — which drove other children and adults crazy.

So lots of kids learned ‘social graces’ — like how to behave in ritual situations (church, parties, school), and how to converse (what was permissible and advisable to say, and not permissible or advisable to say, to certain classes of adults, to get their approval, regardless of what one really believed). Not me.

I never learned how to sweet-talk, how to coerce, how to ridicule, how to deceive, how to persuade. Why would one ever want to learn and practice such dishonest skills? So I didn’t talk much, and largely withdrew from social contact both with other kids and with adults. I couldn’t understand their behaviour, and didn’t much want to learn it, even if would make my life easier.

Looking back at those days now, I can see that I was largely correct in my impression that most adults were/are role-playing, pretending to know what they’re doing, because it’s considered a sign of weakness not to know what you’re doing, or not to have an opinion on some ‘important’ issue. And those adults were (perhaps inadvertently) modelling and teaching that same conditioned, pretending behaviour to their (and others’) children. We condition our children to pretend to know, to ‘fake it til they make it’, and to believe that parents really know what they’re talking about. Until their children are convinced (and have convinced each other) that they too really know what they’re talking about.

When Julian Jaynes wrote The Origins of Consciousness about the newly-evolved (over the last few dozen millennia) ‘entangled’ human brain, the point he made was that, until this entanglement evolved, part of the brain had evolved the capacity to imagine something that didn’t really exist, while another part of the brain had evolved to ‘make sense’ of (ie conceptualize) the body’s perceptions. (These areas are often erroneously simplified and described as the ‘right’ and ‘left’ hemispheres of the brain respectively.)

In most creatures, he explained, imagining and sense-making were and are entirely separate functions. But uniquely, in the newly-entangled human brain, it was now possible to imagine something that didn’t really exist, and then to believe that that imagined something (eg a spirit or a demon) was real and true. This entangled function is essential to our capacity to develop tools (most notably abstract languages, the concept of the separate, ‘responsible’ self, the concept of linear time, and the concept of money), and to persuade and condition others to use them together. Other creatures can’t do this, not because they’re ‘not smart enough’, but because their brains are incapable of ‘confusing’ what they imagine with what is true. Their brains ‘see’ the world as it is, not as they might be able to imagine it to be. This entanglement of the human brain has enormous implications for how we have conditioned each other ever since.

How do children ‘learn’ — how do they ‘acquire knowledge’ and develop the capacity to ‘make sense’ of the world, and especially to make sense of abstract concepts? They role-play, playing ‘house’ or ‘doctor’ or ‘parent’ or ‘worker’ or ‘teacher’. The adults they live with and meet seem to have knowledge, and seem to know how to make sense of things like money and God and morals and history and illness and ‘making a living’. By playing and pretending, children learn to mimic and pretend that they have that knowledge too. Until soon enough they believe they actually have that knowledge.

But in fact, no one ‘has’ knowledge. What we call knowledge (beyond mere technical know-how of how to deal with mechanical things) is what we have been conditioned to believe, nothing more. It is a consensus of opinion, that has developed in what is largely an echo-chamber of people who have conditioned each other to believe the same things — to agree that this is knowledge and that is not. And it all started with pretending. And in a way, it is always just pretending — the term etymologically means to stretch, to profess, claim or allege something to be true, to ‘hold out’ that it is true. We even use pretentious to describe an exaggerated ‘pretence’ that something is true. Children, debaters, theorists, and the rest of us all ‘hold out’ something as being true, to see essentially who salutes. We pretend it’s true until we are reassured by others’ conditioning that it is, or is not, ‘in fact’ true. Then, we think, we know.

In an earlier article, I made the argument that if ‘free will’, which almost all of us learn to pretend is real and then come to believe is real, does not actually exist (and an increasing number of scientists are coming to that view, or at least ‘pretend’ to), then the separate ‘self’, something that we pretend is real and is in control of and responsible for the beliefs and actions of the creature the self presumes to inhabit, cannot actually exist either.

I think the same argument can be made for human ‘knowledge’ (again, referring to ‘know-what’, not mechanical ‘know-how’). If what we pretend to know is merely the collective consensus of people conditioning each other, then we actually don’t know anything. We just either agree with the consensus of others conditioning us (and call that ‘knowledge’), or we don’t. What we call ‘knowledge’ is just opinion. We only just pretend to know things.

And we pretend that what we ‘know’ is the basis for what ‘we’ decide to do, which is wrong on two counts. What we think ‘we’ ‘decide’ to do is merely the rationalization for what our conditioning has already prompted us to do. Or more accurately for what our conditioning has already prompted our body (including its brain) to do, irrespective of what ‘we’ might ‘know’, or think.

You probably know where I’m going with this: Perhaps we would be better off if we stopped pretending that we ‘know’ anything, and stopped pretending that ‘we’ have any say in what ‘our’ bodies do, which renders all our ‘knowledge’ useless anyway.

We might, then, actually be kinder to other people, and to ourselves, if we acknowledged that “nobody knows anything”, and that it’s our conditioning by others, rather than anything to do with ‘us’, that determines our beliefs and our behaviours.

(Of course, we could only do that if it’s consistent with our conditioning.)

Recently, the political historian Aurélien, who ironically writes a blog whose very title is How to Make Sense of the World, wrote an article suggesting that perhaps we try too hard to make sense of our staggeringly complex world:

Most people now have a sense of living in a world in which satire is irrelevant and in many ways impossible, where every news report or morning RSS feed brings not just new horrors, but completely inexplicable and surreal turns of events, in a world in which nothing makes sense, and nothing seems to be logically connected. I actually sympathise with, and largely share, this view, because I think it is broadly true. We live in a world which we can no longer pretend makes sense, and we do not know how to deal with it.

Most of us, he goes on, cling to religions or other ideologies that serve both as a framework to make sense of what is happening, and a fallback to shrug it off when we cannot (‘the gods work in mysterious ways’). But if we stopped pretending, we would have to accept “that nothing is connected and nothing makes sense… that the world is indeed fundamentally meaningless”. He concludes: “We all, in the end, live in a world in which there are no whys, and it would be best if we got used to it”.

As if we could. What would we do if we could do that? If we could just accept that nothing is knowable, or needs to be known, explained, or ‘made sense’ of? This is, after all, the very essential function of the entangled human brain. Could we, even theoretically, possibly bear to accept that nobody ‘knows’ anything, that nothing is (or has to be) explicable?

And so we come full circle, back to the small child, before they start to begin every second sentence they speak to their parents with the word Why? I can (vaguely) remember times before I was conditioned to be preoccupied with knowing things. (At least, I think I can — maybe this is all just wishful thinking on my part.) I remember being absolutely fascinated with everything — the movement of water on the river, the colour of a leaf in the sun, the pattern on the grating of a heating duct. These things just were. There was no obsession with understanding why, with ‘making sense’. I was always intensely curious, but before it was subverted to a search for understanding and meaning, it was just unadulterated (hah!) curiosity.

And now, curiously enough, in my burgeoning dotage, I seem to be returning my attention to that same innocent curiosity. The word ‘curious’ originally referred to paying heed and attending with care, rather than ‘attempting to understand’.

Round and round in circles we go. Just paying attention. Then conditioned to try to make sense of everything, because we somehow believe that making sense is important and helpful and useful, even though it’s all just rationalization that has no impact on what we actually do. And then, realizing that, futilely trying to ‘stop making sense’ of things, when that’s all our poor entangled brains are good for.

It makes absolutely no sense. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to.

Posted in How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves | 5 Comments

The Horrible Lessons of Workplaces

OK, yes, I suppose this article is a bit of a rant, again. Sometimes I can’t help myself. I blame my conditioning. (Not all workplaces are like this.)

from by Hugh Macleod   —  In his comment on this cartoon, Venkatesh Rao wrote: “Organizations don’t suffer pathologies; they are intrinsically pathological constructs. Sociopaths, in their own best interests, knowingly promote over-performing losers into middle-management, groom under-performing losers into sociopaths, and leave the average bare-minimum-effort losers to fend for themselves.” 

As you are no doubt tired of hearing me say, our beliefs and behaviours are entirely the result of our biological and cultural conditioning, given the circumstances of each moment. And nowhere is our conditioning more intense than in the workplace, whence comes the income most of us depend on to feed, clothe and house ourselves and our families. “On-the-job” training and learning is perhaps far more insidious than we might imagine.

Here are a few of the terrible things we can learn in our workplaces (or in the military, for that matter):

  1. That democracy is an optional, and inefficient, way of doing things. Why, when we pride ourselves on living in ‘democracies’, do we put up with utterly undemocratic workplaces? In corporations, decisions on salaries, promotions, and business strategies are made by unelected ‘managers’ (most of whom have never done the jobs of their ‘subordinates’ and couldn’t do them if their life depended on it), and by ‘directors’ who are selected by external shareholders (one $hare one vote, and most ‘shareholders’ are not even slightly involved in the operations of the corporation and have no idea how it works). So we get conditioned during most of our waking hours to believe that undemocratic processes are the unquestioned norm. No surprise, then, that when we face incompetent, ‘bought’ political leaders who do what their financial donors tell them, and definitely not what their voting citizens want, we shrug and accept this blatant corruption of the democratic process as ‘normal’.
  2. That bullying is acceptable, if it is done by someone higher in the hierarchy or better connected to those in power. In most workplaces, might makes right. If you want to work there, you’d better be prepared to sign a non-disclosure agreement that bars you from discussing even the most egregious workplace abuses, at least if they involve the ‘higher-ups’. At the very best, if management’s abuse of you is especially bad, they might buy off your silence with an out-of-court settlement. Most of the sociopathy in our corporatized world never comes to light. You have no ‘right’ to know about it.
  3. That blowing the whistle on illegal and unethical behaviour is extremely dangerous and almost never worth the risk. You blow the whistle, first thing that happens in most organizations is that you get fired, and then the employer sics its army of lawyers on you to threaten you if you don’t shut up about what you know.
  4. That you should never challenge anyone in authority, and never share your knowledge with others. Challenge your boss and you will likely be told to your face “this is not a democracy”. If you dare suggest your boss is making a suboptimal decision, better make sure there are no witnesses, and that you have another job ready when you lose that one. And in the workplace, knowledge is power, and confessing that you don’t know the answer when you’re the boss may well panic your subordinates (who have probably never heard such an admission before). Giving your staff information when there’s not a strict ‘need to know’ my well earn you a reprimand. The key to promotion in most organizations is: keep your head down, do what you’re told, do not ask questions, and do not rock the boat. Kinda like most schools, but harder.
  5. That it’s who you know, and who you’re related to and close friends with, that counts in getting ahead, not what you know or what you do (as long as you’re not a complete fuck-up). It’s laughable to think that any workplace is a meritocracy. Stay in any workplace long enough, and you’ll likely discover that those who get promoted are the ones who are the most obedient, fit the current boss’ ‘image’ of a ‘good manager’, or are good friends with the current boss; competence is usually way down the list of factors.
  6. That the key to achieving and using power to your advantage is to always ensure you have more authority than responsibility, that your subordinates have more responsibility than authority, and that you have knowledge that no one else has (see point 4 above). You want to be in a position where you have the authority to tell others what to do, but where when that instruction turns out to be disastrous, they’ll be held responsible for the failure, not you. And giving ‘subordinates’ responsibility without the commensurate authority is the perfect way to keep them anxious, obedient, and in thrall. And as long as you have knowledge (where the skeletons are buried, who actually majorly fucked up on that mega-project, how to do this obscure but essential task no one else was ever taught to do), you can probably rest assured you have a job for life.
  7. That setting objectives (for others to achieve) is demonstrating ‘leadership’, and is ‘strategic’ work. In our modern society, ruled by members of the Professional Managerial Caste (admission only by family succession or special circumstances), the people in charge, mostly equipped with nothing more than useless MBAs, no longer have any business strategy skills. They can’t tell you how to achieve the organization’s goals, objectives, or ‘targets’, because they have no practical, nitty-gritty, down-to-earth, front-line experience in how to do anything. They think ‘management’ is about setting goals, objectives, and ‘stretch targets’ for the next year or quarter (something any grade 5 arithmetic student who can add 10% to last year’s numbers could do), for ‘subordinates’ to achieve. No surprise that our political leaders, from the same PMC caste, keep talking wishfully about goals, objectives and targets (eg ‘targets’ for greenhouse gas emission reductions) for the coming years (often past the next election, so they won’t be held responsible for failing to achieve them). When there’s no real strategy, there is no ‘leadership’, and the chances of success at achieving the ‘targets’ are pretty much random. But it sure makes ‘management’ easy!
  8. That the higher up you get in an organization, the more likely you will be to be both rewarded and blamed for things you actually have absolutely no control over. This is the double-edged sword of having useless ‘leaders’ and ‘managers’ who actually control nothing, and whose work probably has less impact on the organization’s effectiveness and success than that of the poor sap on the outsourced ‘tech support’ desk, who is at least trying to help customers (to the extent the company software doesn’t prevent them from doing so). If the economy is buoyant, or the competitors stumble, the ‘executives’ will get seven-figure bonuses and extra share options. If the economy flounders, or some lean competitor muscles in on market share, the ‘executives’ will get a seven-or-eight-figure ‘buyout’ option and quietly leave the scene.
  9. That the carrot works better than the stick in ‘motivating’ people, but if you have neither carrots nor sticks, you’re done for. The presumption in most organizations today is that no one works just for the intrinsic reward of doing a good job. Given the incompetence of most management and the complete shrugging off of responsibility of most organizations for their staff, that presumption is understandable. Why give loyalty to an organization that gives you nothing in return? But the reality is that most people, even those who acknowledge working for shitty, badly-managed organizations, still give their best, every day. They may not respect their boss, but they do respect their customers. Neither a carrot nor a stick is necessary, but don’t tell that to PMC ‘management’, busy rating ‘their’ staff ‘on the curve’ to reward the ‘stars’ (who met their ‘targets’) and get rid of the ‘non-performers’, and to brutalize them all into competing harder and harder for that last carrot.
  10. That it is the boss, not the customer, who is “always right” (even when they’re not). And that if you make the customer happy by contravening instructions from the boss, you will be punished, not rewarded.

If you believe these ten things are true, well then congratulations (or condolences): You have probably been effectively conditioned by the workplaces you have worked at to achieve this level of cynicism (or realism). If you’re lucky enough to have been born into (or invited into) the PMC, you will probably work hard to condition others in your workplaces to believe (or at least understand) they are true as well.

And if you believe these things are true, you have probably also internalized this “on-the-job” learning so well that you apply it to your worldview and your dealings with people outside the workplace as well. You probably have a cynical view of politics, and have come to the conclusion that “democracy” may not be the most “effective” way of getting things done in the political sphere. CEO’s don’t have to run for re-election every four years, after all.

And maybe it would be better to “privatize” everything so that it is “professionally managed”, and more “profitable”. Maybe we don’t need a government at all, except for defence and security of course.

Maybe there are times when bullying is warranted — in dealing with countries that don’t share ‘our’ values, for example. Maybe there are times, in arming our police forces, for example, when “might makes right”, and when a ‘stick’ is called for to ‘motivate’ those lazy, sinful people who would inevitably do nothing or worse unless they were threatened with unemployment (as Janet Yellen keeps telling us) or with imprisonment, or even capital punishment.

Maybe obedience, keeping your head down, ruthlessly competing dog-eat-dog with everyone else, letting the end justify the means, keeping your mouth shut, putting ‘success’ ahead of principle, and turning a blind eye to malfeasance that is ‘none of your business anyway’, is the best ‘strategy’ for being a citizen in today’s untrusting, viciously competitive, corporatized world. If you think it is, you probably got your worldview conditioning from your workplace, not your civics textbook.

PS: Just to be clear, I am not slamming, or blaming, people anywhere in the work hierarchy: This is the way they have been raised, and this is what they have been conditioned to believe and to do. I have met many business executives who are really decent, caring people, but who in most cases nevertheless have come to accept and even espouse most of the above beliefs, and behave accordingly, on the basis that this is how businesses must operate if they hope to stay in business, and this is how “most folks” are and how they need to be treated for the business to be successful. We’re all doing our best, even the sociopaths, who often, in my experience, carry the burden of trauma from bullying and belittling parents and act it out in dysfunctional ways when they’re plunked, or driven, into positions of power.

The really sad thing about most of the “business books” you find in the airport bookstores, is that they were written by (or ghost-written for) ‘leaders’ who genuinely believe(d) all the bullshit about ‘leadership’ they (and their sycophantic followers) were conditioned to believe and write about in their narcissistic books. I’ve met a few of them; nice, troubled, bewildered folks. In some ways they’re the most clueless of all.

Posted in How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | 5 Comments

A Blameless Explanation of Why Everything is Falling Apart, for Schoolkids

If I were invited to talk to a group of students (of any age) today, to explain why everything seems to be hopeless and falling apart, this is what I think I would tell them.

When I was young and idealistic, back in the 1960s — back when your grandparents were your age — everything seemed possible. We’d apparently forced an end to the ghastly war in Vietnam through our massive protests. We were strident environmentalists, really believing we could avert the global ecological disaster many were already predicting.

There were seven things in particular we thought were true and important to fight for, and there seemed to be nearly universal agreement that these goals were both possible and desirable to achieve:

  1. world peace
  2. an equitable (re-)distribution of wealth (and power) — enough that everyone could live a comfortable life, and not so much for anyone that it would inevitably lead to waste or abuse
  3. radical action to halt and reverse ecological destruction — we already knew back then about the risk of catastrophic climate change
  4. women’s equality, and autonomy over their own bodies
  5. free, universal, quality health care, education, employment security, old-age security, and public transportation
  6. enforced regulations to rein in capitalist excesses and oligopolies, and ensure clean, safe communities and workplaces, and
  7. a truly democratic polity — a system where the citizenry was well-informed, and the political system was democratic and responsive to the citizens’ collective will.

We didn’t believe that any of these goals would be easy to achieve, but in the late 1960s we thought they were possible. In fact, it was generally considered the absolute responsibility of governments to work towards and sustain these seven goals.

In Canada, at the time, we actually had achieved some of these goals, and the governments of the day won elections on the strength of their vows to make even more progress on them. Even the conservative party of the day called itself the Progressive Conservatives.

So what went wrong? Why are we so much further away from achieving and entrenching these perfectly reasonable, popular, worthy, and achievable goals, than we were half a century ago? And why, from all appearances, are we no longer even trying to achieve them, obsessed as we are instead with tax cuts, a loathing of all things related to government and public institutions, and demands for dog-eat-dog individual “rights”? Why, in short, is everything, despite all our efforts, falling apart?

Almost all the answers I have heard to this question assign blame for the failures of these systems and for our abandonment of these goals on someone or other — a greedy elite, or evil corporations, or stupid bureaucrats, or psychopaths in positions of power, or incompetence all around. For much of my life I was inclined to do likewise — it’s a cheap and easy way to explain unexpected and disappointing failures. And accepting the responsibility, the blame, the guilt and shame and sorrow for these failures isn’t something any of us would particularly want to take on ourselves.

But I think there’s another explanation, one that doesn’t require us to identify and blame “bad guys” for these failures, or to shrug and say “we’re all to blame”.

The essence of this explanation is that all systems fall apart, as do all civilizations built on these political, economic, social, educational, health care, transportation, scientific, technological and other systems. Nature recognizes this — nothing in the natural world is built to last, and there is built in resilience and redundancy in all natural systems. As political historian Dmitry Orlov explained in reference to birds’ capacity to adapt and evolve to deal with collapse:

Fifty blackbirds nest in a dead tree, congregating and socializing raucously each evening, the babies squawking for food. Then someone cuts the tree down, and the birds scatter. Collapse. The tree-killer sells the wood and the empty nests for profit. The birds circle and regroup, and in a few hours find a new tree and start building new nests. Three days later, for the birds, it is exactly as it was before the fall. They understand community, and resilience.

We built our complicated human systems as best we could. But we don’t have nature’s billions of years of experience. What we build is inherently fragile, needing constant attention and repair. We try to make things to last, when nothing lasts. And the larger and more complicated our systems become, the more ways there are for them to fail, and to fall apart.

Everything we build is of necessity temporary — it has to keep growing larger and more complicated and be constantly repaired or else it falls apart. Much of the world’s infrastructure is now dated, aging, and falling apart, because we could only afford to build everything we’ve built by cutting corners and planning for their obsolescence — their collapse — and then rebuilding them.

But now, as we have used up the planet’s cheap resources and are digging deeper into its increasingly expensive ones, we can no longer afford to repair what we built. Our only hope now is to abandon and throw away the stuff that’s falling apart, and build more and more, newer and newer, faster and faster, to replace it. Our entire military-industrial-financial-capital economy is based on this idea of perpetual accelerating growth, planned obsolescence, and rapid replacement, and it’s an absurd idea. So now everything is falling apart much faster than we can possibly hope to replace or repair it. This is how collapse happens. We’re seeing it everywhere.

That’s the materialistic answer to the question, but there’s also another, complementary answer, and that has to do with our species’ conditioning.

There is increasing scientific evidence that, just like every other creature on the planet, what we each believe and do is entirely the result of our biological conditioning (what our DNA and our body chemistry ‘tells’ us to do), and our cultural conditioning (what the people we know, the things we study, our environment and our experiences ‘tell’ us to do), given the always-unpredictable circumstances of each moment. When you yell at someone for cutting you off in traffic, that’s not ‘your’ decision; it’s just your conditioning playing itself out. Your conditioning will change as you’re exposed to new information and experiences, but ‘you’ aren’t changing it.

That might sound hopeless, but it really isn’t. As our conditioning to new information and experiences has changed us, we’ve come to believe, for example, that being gay is biological, not a mental illness. We’ve learned that diseases that we once thought were the result of poor parenting, or “evil spirits”, have natural causes, and their sufferers and families deserve our support, not our condemnation.

When you come to realize that our situations, our beliefs and behaviours are the result of our conditioning, and not something we have any free will or control over, it makes you inclined to try to understand what underlies actions that we dislike — like violence and war and dishonesty and selfishness — instead of seeking to blame someone or something for those actions.

In many cases, what underlies these actions are deep-seated feelings of anger, hatred, grief, and especially fear, that metastasize in us as trauma, just waiting to be stirred up and triggered in us by some event that actually has nothing to do with the long-ago event that conditioned us to react the way we do — the way we have no choice but to react. In some cases that trauma is even passed down from generation to generation in our DNA and in the body chemistry we inherit from our parents.

So when we look at wars, at murders, at domestic abuse, at animal abuse, at racism, at bullying, at lying, at oppression, at misogyny, or at any other form of violence or hatred, we can, if we look hard enough, understand it as a conditioned behaviour, something the perpetrators and participants had absolutely no control over. That doesn’t mean we condone that behaviour; it just means we recognize that, given the conditioning of those involved, that outcome was explainable and, sadly, inevitable.

So what do we do with that? Just throw up our hands and say that such atrocities are just ‘the way we are’ and we just have to accept them? Well actually, understanding the conditioning that led to them is a very important action in itself. That understanding can lead us to avoid escalating the situation, and to starting to address the factors that led to that misbehaviour or atrocity, so that, perhaps, we can begin to condition each other to mitigate or even prevent such misbehaviours and atrocities in the future. Blaming people, calling them evil or malicious or insane, will not change anything, other than perhaps leading to even more misbehaviours and atrocities in self-justified retaliation. But if we have been conditioned to blame, rather than to try to understand, we will blame.

So, this is why everything is falling apart, when no one is actually to blame. In part, it’s because everything humans make falls apart, everything collapses when it is no longer sustainable, when it gets too big or too old or too complicated to hold. And in part, it’s because everything we do is conditioned behaviour, often irrational behaviour, and that behaviour, over which we have no control, is often destructive and contributes to everything falling apart, despite us all doing our best and having the best intentions in what we do.

And there is a third reason why everything is falling apart, and it is also blameless.

The human species evolved to be a social species. We don’t have the speed, or the fangs, or the claws, or the agility, or the climate tolerance, to be able to survive well on our own. We thrive in community. We do things together, drawing on our collective energy, our collective skill and knowledge, much better than we can ever hope to do alone. We evolved abstract language and other tools to enable us to collaborate. And we do that in small communities, the way we thrived for our first million years on the planet.

The problem is, the benefits of community don’t scale well. We work best in groups of 2-10, and in limited situations in groups of up to 50. Anything beyond that starts to become unmanageable, because our tribes are based on collective knowledge of, and mutual trust in, each other. I have seen how well this works, in a small village in Central America where they have no ‘centralized’ services. They resolve disputes, heal illnesses, build and repair homes and other infrastructure, together. There are no corporations, no governments, no police, no jails, no lawyers, no written contracts. They need none of these, because they know and trust each other. They just get together and do what needs to be done. They know how to do this.

Once you get a human society that is larger than community-sized in scale, it begins to lose cohesion — It begins to fall apart. You try to replace mutual knowledge and trust with institutions and standards and rules, but it doesn’t work. You end up with disagreements, with inequities, with attempts to exploit others, and with lies, and every attempt to impose more order actually creates more disorder, more things that can go wrong.

Not only have we, in our modern world, tried to make the idea of functional society work “efficiently and effectively” at a scale larger than the level of community, which is impossible, we have largely abandoned the idea of community altogether. Living in true community requires a host of skills — listening, facilitation, negotiating, consensus-building, mentoring, teaching through demonstrating, imagining alternative possibilities, trust-building, self-knowledge, cultural awareness — that most of us are now incompetent at, mostly because our work and school and family lives today do not give us any practice at learning to be good at these things. We don’t even, most of us, know our neighbours. If we were forced, by some catastrophic disaster, to suddenly have to work with them as a true community, we wouldn’t even know where to start. We have lost, or forgotten, all the essential skills.

So, that’s the third reason everything is falling apart. We live in a prosthetic (artificial) world of fragile human-made systems, our behaviour is entirely conditioned, and we have lost the essential capacity to live with each other in true community. The result is what you see in dysfunctional governments, corporations, schools, health care and other institutions, families, neighbourhoods, and nations. The only real surprise is that it all hasn’t fallen apart sooner. And none of it is anyone’s “fault”. We’ve all done our best.

What will it look like as it continues to fall apart? That will depend on where and how you live. If you live in most of the world’s nations, which are failed states with desolated natural environments, or if you live in urban ghettoes, or washed-up small towns, or homeless in the streets in any country, collapse is already well underway. If so, you already live in a world of precarity — complete uncertainty over what each day will bring and whether you’ll eat or be safe today. You trust only those in your makeshift, unequipped, struggling ‘community’. You expect nothing from any institution. Your life is probably ruled by fear, by anger, by grief, by shame, by a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. You are probably deeply traumatized.

If you are more privileged, collapse will likely continue to happen slowly, almost imperceptibly, and then things will happen quickly all at once — loss of jobs and livelihood, serious disease or mental collapse, currency collapse, so your savings are gone and your money no longer ‘works’. And then more stability for a while. And then another bout of collapses — the city goes bankrupt, the government is overthrown or just ceases to function, the hospitals and schools close, the power goes off and stays off, the roads are closed because they’re dangerous to drive on. And so on. And at each stage, you will, of necessity, learn how to do more things for yourself, collaboratively with the community in which you find yourself, including the neighbours you never knew, and the ones you don’t particularly like. You will learn to do more with less, and rely more on your community and less on everyone and everything else.

And you will probably have to migrate at some point to some more sustainable, less dangerous, less ruined place. You might migrate many times over long distances, each time of necessity finding a new community or bringing along the one you’ve helped create.

This might sound awful, but it mostly, probably, won’t be. It won’t be like a Mad Max movie. Collapse will be slow and punctuated by quieter times; we will have time to learn the things we have to learn to adapt to the new, more local, simpler world.

I can’t tell you not to be afraid, or angry, or sad, about the inevitability of collapse. After all, those are all conditioned behaviours, and you will feel, and do, what you will, as a result of that conditioning. I can tell you that there will be no going back to the complex, extravagant, global civilization you’ve become accustomed to. The inexpensive energy and resources necessary for its construction will no longer be available. They are already on life support, and extracting and using them is ruining our environment in the process.

And if the experts on civilizations are correct, this collapse will continue for many generations, perhaps even for a millennium or more. By then those future humans (likely a much smaller number of humans, in the millions rather than billions) will have re-learned, over centuries, how to live in self-sufficient community, the way pre-civilization communities did. They may, of necessity, have learned to live as a part of the natural world, with its inherent uncertainty, and accept, with equanimity rather than fear, the risks of living as a part of the more-than-human world. They may be reconnected with the Earth and all its life in ways we can no longer even imagine, and feel a constant sense of joy and astonishment to be part of that.

Their necessary community self-sufficiency will give them a sense of confidence in their capacity to deal with any issues that arise, that our atomized, dependent civilization has never been able to give us. My sense is that we will see our return to the wild as a blessing, as the only sensible way to live. I kind of wish I could transport into the future, past the chaos of collapse, to see what life for post-civilization humans will be like. Perhaps more like the life of the bonobos, or the crows, than like anything in our history books.

If you’ve followed this so far, you probably will know better than to ask what we can or ‘should’ do to prepare for this. Nothing will prepare you for collapse, and nothing I could suggest will ‘change your mind’ anyway — You are going to do whatever your conditioning compels you to do. Some of that conditioned behaviour will be helpful; some of it will not. As I’ve come to accept this, I’ve stopped proffering useless advice on how to prepare for a centuries-long collapse.

My own coping mechanism is now to just try to make sense of what is happening, to resist the urge to get angry, fearful, disappointed, or full of shame about this strange and excessive experiment we call human civilization. When I feel these feelings arise, I look at my “reminders” list (the list at the top of this post), and try to regain a sense of calm and perspective by appreciating that it all had to turn out just as it turned out, and that there’s nothing ‘wrong’ about what we’ve done.

My conditioning has led me to believe this list of ‘reminders’ is useful, not for telling me what to do, but for helping me to keep what is happening in perspective. I do some of these things reasonably well; some others I do badly, or not at all. Since your conditioning has inevitably been different from mine, this list is unlikely to be useful to you, if it even makes any sense to you at all.

But if you’re ready to accept the inevitability of collapse — that everything is falling apart, and it’s going to get crazy — you might find it helpful to have your own list of reminders, to stay cool and focused in the stormy years ahead. And my guess is that if that list enables you to seek to understand why things are happening and why people are behaving the way they are, instead of blaming people for how they ‘should’ or ‘could’ be, then it just might keep you sane when everyone around you is losing their heads.

If so, that might make you particularly useful to your loved ones and your community as you work together to cope with, and adapt to, collapse. Everything returns to the earth. But on the long roller-coaster ride down, it’s going to be an astonishing journey. May it also be a joyful one, for you and your descendants.

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will, Our Culture / Ourselves | Leave a comment

Links of the Month: April 2024

cartoon by Michael Leunig

When I look back at what the world seemed to be like, in my youth in the 1960s, it sometimes seems as if nothing has changed at all. We’re still fighting the same battles, supporting and confronting the same ideologies and misconceptions. In other ways, everything seems different now — the amount of information and misinformation available is vastly greater, but the ignorance and incapacity of most people across the political spectrum also seems paradoxically greater. And the overall level of competence, especially among people in ‘management’ and positions of power, seems to have unarguably declined enormously. The bozos are now driving the bus.

This perhaps, is what inevitably happens when a system gets overly large and unwieldy. It just stops working properly. And then it stops working entirely.


the latest from Copernicus: Bye-bye 1.5; 2.0º here we come!

Why is collapse surprising us?: Tim Morgan re-summarizes the latest evidence of everything falling apart, despite a still-prevailing absurd belief that something is going to magically save us.

Running out of fresh water: Andrew Nikiforuk reviews our globally rapidly-diminishing supply of fresh water.

More people than we thought: A new report shows that the UN and other population projection agencies have, yet again, been overly complacent and overly optimistic in predicting a levelling off of human population growth. Thanks to Richard Heinberg for the link.

Climate migration is not just immigration: A new book suggests that many of the people desperately migrating to new homes in the US will be coming from elsewhere in the country, trying to escape domestic ecological collapse.

So you thought hydro power was “renewable”: In light of a staggering record-low snowpack, BC Hydro is preparing to import even more hydrocarbon-based energy from the US than it has during the last few drought-heavy years.

When trees become carbon-emitters: Erik Michaels demolishes the dream that “regenerative agriculture” can play a role in abating climate collapse. And in another article he describes facing the reality of the inevitability of collapse (and mentions yours truly).

We can’t even get close to ‘there’ from here: Tim Watkins thoroughly deconstructs the utterly impossible targets the UK has set for shifting to “renewable” energy.

This is what social collapse looks like: Haiti is a failed state, now controlled by oligarchs, domestic and foreign armies, and gangs. Listen to get a taste of what life will be like everywhere if economic and political collapse leads to social collapse.


graphic by John Atkinson from the memebrary

When the only measure of value is commercial profit: A short essay by Caitlin Johnstone about being aware that what we’re being asked to take into our bodies, our brains, and our homes, is mostly not being done for our welfare; more and more, it’s up to us to look after that.

The benefits of human composting: Another way of giving back to the earth at the end of your life.

Challenging a sacred sports myth: Sports columnist Andrew Berkshire has been absolutely excoriated for daring to suggest that often extraordinary sports accomplishments are possible only for those with exceptional social privilege, and that the myth that “anyone can accomplish anything” if they only work hard at it, is wrong, and often cruel.

Taking care: An astonishing cartoon from Matthew Inman at The Oatmeal on dealing with grief, based on a poem by Callista Buchen. Thanks to Hank and John Green for the link.

Not buying the hate: Independent Jewish Voices rejects the ongoing Israeli genocide and calls for an immediate ceasefire and just peace in Israel-Palestine. Thanks to Sharon Goldberg for the link.


this is also from the memebrary; good thing we no longer have to worry about the things on the left!

Corpocracy, Imperialism & Fascism: Short takes (thanks to John Whiting for many of these):

Propaganda, Censorship, Misinformation and Disinformation: Short takes:


again from the memebrary; I think this is very clever, so if anyone can decode the reference bottom right and identify the original author, I’d love to know who it was

Cloning your beloved deceased pet: Ordering clones from the genetic matter of a dead animal is expensive, risky, and exposes the ‘clones’ to genetic abnormalities. Is this new technology truly an ‘advance’, or is it, like the $500,000/year pills for rare and specialized diseases, an indulgence for the rich and powerful at the expense of everyone else? Especially in a world with so many pets waiting for adoption. And how soon will people want clones of their dead human relatives?

Headlines from The Beaverton (the Canadian equivalent to The Onion; ask a Canadian to explain the humour):

  • Media promise to start covering Pierre Poilievre’s transphobic comments as soon as they finish 50th story on how Liberals are unpopular
  • In honour of Mulroney, national funeral to be privatized
  • Financial planner recommends having more money
  • To combat self-checkout theft, stores experimenting with new human cashier pilot program
  • “Law & Order Toronto” program criticized as unrealistic after showing Toronto police actually trying to solve crimes
  • “If only someone had the power to make corporations behave better,” laments prime minister
  • OJ Simpson dies surrounded by family members he didn’t murder
  • US Supreme Court rules woman’s life ends at conception
  • Study: Best way to get rid of a body is to check it as luggage with Air Canada

More Lari Basilio: The amazing craft of a Brasilian maestro.

The Fourth Turning: End Times?: A review of Peter Turchin’s latest book on the long arcs of civilizations and their castes.

Western pop music 2023 in one song: The latest mashup by DJ Earworm. Clever, fun, and way better than the rather unimaginative individual songs it incorporates.

The demise of quality education: For those who checked out the Sabine Hossenfelder, NPR and DeSantis links above, Aurélien puts it all into a fall-of-the-PMC (Professional Managerial Caste) cultural context.

Has global warming happened before?: How the bloom of an arctic fern during the Cambrian Explosion (14ºC above recent average) may have prevented runaway Hothouse Earth and precipitated the ice age(s) that followed.

Sudoku Land: Also via Hank and John, it’s Sudoku, but, uh, with land.

Tardigrades!: And here’s Hank talking about our favourite mysterious tiny animal.


yes, this is a real book in a series by Chris Ferrie; reading to your kids is important

From Aaron Bushnell, the self-immolating anti-war-in-Gaza protester, on imagining (thanks to Caitlin Johnstone for the link):

I’ve realized that a lot of the difference between me and my less radical friends is that they are less capable of imagining a better world than I am. I follow YouTubers like Andrewism that fill my head with concrete images of free, post-scarcity communities and it makes me so much more prepared to reject things about the current world, because I’ve imagined how things could be and that helps me see how extremely bullshit things are right now.

What I’m trying to say is, it’s so important to imagine a better world. Let your thoughts run wild with idealistic dreams of what the world should look like, and let the pain and anger at how it’s not that way flow through you. Let it free your mind and fuel your rage against the machine.

It’s not too late for you or anyone. We can have the world of our dreams tomorrow, but we have to be willing to fight today.

From Callista Buchen, who inspired the Oatmeal cartoon linked above, in the DMQ:


For a while, my daughter worried about a catastrophic hole in the ground wherever we were going. Mom, what if the library is just a giant hole? What if the cereal aisle is a big hole? She imagined canyons replacing each familiar landmark. At every intersection, every turn I promised her there would no hole. She’d plead: But what will we do? You’ll see, I would say, everything will be fine. When she stopped asking, I grieved her lost worry like the death of an imaginary friend, but since she’s first stacked the blocks in the living room, she’s understood that what we build we can crash.

Anything can go boom, she says now to her little brother, who wants the tower higher, higher still. Mom will hold it, she tells him. She pauses and adds, for now.

Posted in Collapse Watch, How the World Really Works, Our Culture / Ourselves | 1 Comment

The Crag and the Chasm

Another annoying post about radical non-duality. But cool title, no?

Dave’s four worldviews, 1951-????

Since I started listening to, and speaking with, the radical non-duality speakers shown on my blog’s right sidebar, eight years ago, I have started exploring the nature of reality, and human nature, from its very different perspective. This “seeking journey” has taken me from a belief in free will (worldview I in the diagram above) to a belief that we have a self but it doesn’t have free will (worldview II), and then to a belief that we have neither a self nor free will (ie that they are both illusions, created by the brain in a mistaken attempt to make sense of the body’s perceptions — worldview III).

This was the only way I could find to ‘make sense’ of both the ‘glimpses‘ that have seemingly occurred at various times in my life, and the latest science and neuroscience about free will, about the illusory self, and about the nature of time and space. I’ve written about all of this ad nauseam, basically saying the same things (mostly out loud to my self, to be sure I really understand them and their implications) over and over.

But the obsessed seeker for the ultimate truth is never satisfied: I keep looking, with curiosity and some longing, at worldview IV, the full message that the radical non-duality speakers are articulating. The message is that there actually is no ‘real’ time or space, no causality, no ‘thing’ real or separate from everything, and nothing really happening — only “everything appearing”, only “just this”. ‘I’ can appreciate this message intellectually, and feel some resonance with it intuitively, but somehow I ‘know’ that ‘I’ can never actually ‘realize’ or ‘see’ the truth of this as ‘obvious’, as the (apparent) radical non-duality speakers (apparently) do.

I am not sure why this is so important to me. I suppose this is the nature of obsession — like when we can’t remember something but it’s right on the tip of our tongue, so that until we retrieve it we can’t think about anything else. The radical non-duality speakers assert that there is no “path” to this “realization”, and that it really doesn’t make any difference to anything — they insist they are not “enlightened” and are not “teaching” anything, just trying to illuminate what is obvious ‘there’, which is what I describe as worldview IV (though perhaps I should call it worldview zero). And they do not appear to be particularly happy, or relieved, or even passionate about what is now ‘obvious’ ‘there’.

Whatever the reason, and no matter how hopeless, I can’t shake my obsession with this message. I don’t particularly want to. It is at once infuriating and a source of endless curiosity and fascination. The message is so internally consistent (across speakers in five different languages, with very different backgrounds and different ways of describing things and different past belief systems), so effortless, such a (not-grand) “theory of everything”, and delivered with such sincerity, that I cannot shake the sense that it is simply true.

I hear them saying there is no “path” to “see” this, no practice or process for getting “closer” to it, but my gotta-make-sense-of-everything brain will not accept that. It cannot help but try. So much of science, and the glimpses, ‘fit’ with this message, that surely it’s just a matter of finding the rest of the pieces and it will all ‘fit’, surely.

But that thinking, I know, is pure folly. The more I explore it, the wider the chasm between worldview III (where I sit, impatiently, now) and worldview IV (which I impossibly aspire to ‘realize’) yawns. Every discovery just raises more unanswerable questions. So I am teased by discoveries in astrophysics that time does not actually exist — it’s just a mental placeholder and categorization tool for the brain’s desperate and futile sense-making. I am teased by the scientific theory that space is likewise just a conceptualization — that all that exists is an infinite “field of possibilities” where some of those possibilities ‘appear’ (there’s that word again) to ‘happen’. I am teased by Michael Pollan’s argument that the effect of some psychedelics and some deep meditation and some brain injuries is to disrupt the “default neural pathways” in the brain and open ourselves to an entirely different way of perceiving and conceiving of reality — and the possibility that the radical non-duality speakers have somehow permanently ‘slipped free’ of these conditioned, entrenched default neural pathways (and so maybe the rest of us could, too).

I am teased by the possibility that these default neural pathways that seemingly create what Tony Parsons has called the inescapable “prison of the self” arose due to an evolutionary misstep many millennia ago, first described by Julian Jaynes, which I’ve frequently elaborated on as the Entanglement Hypothesis. I am teased by growing evidence that no animals other than humans have this illusory sense of self and separation, and that furthermore they don’t require it to live completely full and functional lives.

I am teased by what my study of evolution has revealed about the immense variety of ways of ‘being in’ and ‘perceiving’ the world, and about how much it explains, and how much it fails to explain, the world as we seemingly separate self-afflicted humans see it. I am teased by how utterly the ‘loss’ of the sense of self and separation in radical non-duality speakers has seemingly changed ‘their’ way of perceiving reality, and how little it has seemingly changed their characters and behaviours. For example, they are absolutely clear that there is no perception of time or causality ‘there’ — everything is “always new” — yet they go on scheduling their meetings as if time and causality were real. And some still entertain (what to me are) conspiracy theories, and are quite entertained by (what to me are) inane programs, in spite of ‘their’ avowal that nothing is really happening, and nothing matters.

And I am teased by the very compelling arguments that all our behaviour is conditioned (which some radical non-duality speakers confirm, with the ubiquitous “apparently” qualifier), even though (apparent) conditioning would seem to absolutely require the existence of (apparent?) time and (apparent?) causality.

The realization that ‘we’ are not “all of a piece”, but rather just collective labels for the trillions of creatures that comprise what we label as “our bodies”, and that it is their conditioning, not ‘ours’ that determines what we do, had me, once again, foolishly and hopelessly, trying to discover or construct a crag, a branch, a perilous path, that would take me from worldview III to worldview IV.

So I felt a recent compulsion to call Tim Cliss, the radical non-duality (he hates the term) speaker with whom I’ve probably had the most extensive conversations, and ask him for his ‘take’ on all of the above discoveries — his take on evolution, on the “field of possibilities” theory, on the “default neural pathways” theory, on the Entanglement Hypothesis, on the possibility of conditioning when there is no time and no causality, and all the other possible footholds, and apparent gaps, in the crag that I am trying to build and use to make my way to worldview IV.

But I know Tim, and the other radical non-duality speakers, have already been asked, in one way or another, about these ideas and connections and apparent inconsistencies in the message. And their answer has always been the same: In essence, it is “I haven’t the faintest idea. (And it doesn’t matter.)”

If I were to ask Tim about all of these things, that’s what he would answer, I am sure, to all of them. He would do so in the most kindly possible way: He’s a softie, and ‘his’ life experiences prior to the (apparent) loss of ‘his’ (illusory) self parallel mine in many ways.

He would be telling me, gently, that there is no way of getting from worldview III to worldview IV, no matter how meticulously the crag that seems to partly bridge them is crafted and cultivated, no matter how maddeningly well all the amazing revelations that came with reaching worldview III resonate with the message of worldview IV. ‘You’ can’t get there from here.

There’s a joke going around about rural wisdom, and it goes like this: A carful of tourists are desperately trying to find some tourist destination, and end up on a lonely country road. They roll down their window and ask a passing farmer for directions. The farmer answers: “If that’s where you’re trying to get to, I wouldn’t recommend starting from here.”

So here I sit, on my largely self-manufactured crag, looking across the chasm at a destination that seems, the closer I try to get to it, ever farther and farther away. And that’s OK. Einstein said he could never understand it all. And if he couldn’t, there is no hope for me. But my conditioning, if that’s what it is, won’t let me turn back from the crag. The view’s pretty good, despite a bit of fog. Just happy to have come this far. Think I’ll hang out here for a while.

Posted in How the World Really Works, Illusion of the Separate Self and Free Will | 7 Comments